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Career of Warwick psychologist celebrated with a rare honorary doctorate
A University of Warwick researcher has become only the second person in 50 years to receive an honorary doctorate from the Ruhr University Bochum Faculty of Psychology.
Bully victims more likely to suffer night terrors and nightmares by 12 years of age
Children who are bullied at ages 8-10 are more likely to suffer from sleep walking, night terrors or nightmares by the time they are 12 years old.
Warwick and Monash partnership: new collaboration aims to develop Schizophrenia treatments
A new international collaboration will help develop strategies to combat schizophrenia, a disease affecting more than 24 million people worldwide.
Local Schools Invited to Take Part in Anti-bullying project
Warwick's First Student Publication
Kidz Kamp Shortlisted for National Award
The first National Student Volunteering Awards ceremony will be held at Old Trafford, Manchester on Friday 5th December. Four student volunteers including last year's Kidz Kamp Project Leaders, Ellen Mellors and Kathy Chan, will be attending to find out if Warwick can pick up the top prize!
Coffee Break Psychology
Language - computation to conversation
Language surrounds us. Everyone picks up a language when they are too young to be aware that they are learning a language. You don’t have to go to school to learn your first language. It happens so easily that it is easy to take for granted. Easy as dropping off an apple tree. How hard is that? Well, understanding how things drop off apple trees has made for interesting science.
Lifelong Learning Minister on Fact-finding mission to Warwick
Margaret Hodge, Minister for Lifelong Learning and Higher Education, came on a fact-finding trip to the University on 18 October.