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University announces further funding for Leamington Street Marshals

The University of Warwick has announced it will continue to fund the Leamington Street Marshals for a further five years.

Research highlights adolescent abuse and neglect risk

New research from the University of Warwick reveals an increase in the number of adolescents who died or were seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect.

Success for Student Community Representatives

It has been a successful term for the Student Community Representatives who have been appointed to bring Warwick students in south Leamington together with non-student residents.
Wed 24 Mar 2010, 18:15 | Tags: Community, Students' Union & Societies, Welfare, charity

Xiaoming Li

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Xiaoming Li, a graduate student in the department of Politics and International Studies, who studied for an MA in International Relations at the University during the 2008-2009 academic year. He was due to graduate in absentia on Thursday 21 January at the afternoon ceremony.
Wed 20 Jan 2010, 09:40 | Tags: International, Politics, Postgraduate Students, Welfare

Study Links Child Poverty to Ill Health and Sudden Death Syndrome

Babies born into poverty are ten times more likely to suffer from Sudden Death Syndrome, and are more likely to be born under-weight than those born into well-off families. These are the results of a study conducted by Professor Nick Spencer from Warwick University.
Wed 27 Aug 2008, 14:37 | Tags: Medicine and Health, Research, Welfare

Warwick Law School appointed ‘Collaborating Centre for Housing Standards and Health’ by WHO

Warwick Law School will play a central part in developing standards and laws for housing issues in the UK after it was designated a ‘Collaborating Centre for Housing Standards and Health’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Mon 11 Aug 2008, 15:05 | Tags: Academic Staff, Law, Welfare

Students' Union - Best Bar None

The Students’ Union is proud to announce that it has gained 'Best Bar None' status. Coventry's Best Bar None awards are granted to pubs, clubs and bars doing all they can to cut down on alcohol-related crime and promote responsible drinking. The newly aquired status reflects the Union's commitment to providing not only a first rate night out but also a safe one.

Local Schools Invited to Take Part in Anti-bullying project

Researchers in the Department of Psychology are appealing to local schools to take part in an innovative anti-bullying project.
Tue 29 May 2007, 11:06 | Tags: Community, Education, Psychology, Welfare

U8 International Student Summit: 9-11 March

U8 International Student SummitOver 150 students from top universities around the world are traveling to Warwick, between 9-11 March to inform policy makers, share ideas and perspectives and bridge the gap between research and policy on development issues.  Major social economic and political issues affecting developing countries like conflict, trade, migration, global warming, and health will be at the forefront during the 2nd Annual U8 Summit talks.
Mon 05 Mar 2007, 12:52 | Tags: Community, Culture, International, Politics, Welfare

Students raise money and awareness for Contact the Elderly

RAG Students with Mayor and Mayoress of BirminghamStudents at the University have been heartily thanked by national charity Contact the Elderly for raising money and awareness.

The RAG team of 17 students took to the streets of Birmingham on Saturday 3rd February and raised £1,307 for the charity. During the day, the students were also met by the Lord and Lady Mayoress of Birmingham who were impressed by their efforts.

University Nursery Achieves Best Possible Result in OFSTED Inspection

The University is pleased to announce that our pedigree of high educational and pastoral standards encompasses even our youngest students - some of whom are as young as three months old.
Fri 13 Aug 2004, 11:07 | Tags: Welfare, Business, Study, Education, Community

Students' Union saves its members £20,000

The Students’ Union has saved international students more than £20,000 in the past 3 weeks.

Wed 11 Aug 2004, 15:04 | Tags: Welfare, International

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