Latest News
University announces further funding for Leamington Street Marshals
The University of Warwick has announced it will continue to fund the Leamington Street Marshals for a further five years.
Research highlights adolescent abuse and neglect risk
New research from the University of Warwick reveals an increase in the number of adolescents who died or were seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect.
Success for Student Community Representatives
Xiaoming Li
Study Links Child Poverty to Ill Health and Sudden Death Syndrome
Warwick Law School appointed Collaborating Centre for Housing Standards and Health by WHO
Warwick Law School will play a central part in developing standards and laws for housing issues in the UK after it was designated a ‘Collaborating Centre for Housing Standards and Health’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Students' Union - Best Bar None
Local Schools Invited to Take Part in Anti-bullying project
U8 International Student Summit: 9-11 March

Students raise money and awareness for Contact the Elderly

The RAG team of 17 students took to the streets of Birmingham on Saturday 3rd February and raised £1,307 for the charity. During the day, the students were also met by the Lord and Lady Mayoress of Birmingham who were impressed by their efforts.
University Nursery Achieves Best Possible Result in OFSTED Inspection
Students' Union saves its members £20,000
The Students’ Union has saved international students more than £20,000 in the past 3 weeks.