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Press Releases

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Secrets behind “Game of Thrones” unveiled by data science and network theory

What are the secrets behind one of the most successful fantasy series of all time? How has a story as complex as “Game of Thrones” enthralled the world and how does it compare to other narratives? Researchers from five universities across the UK and Ireland came together to unravel “A Song of Ice and Fire”, the books on which the TV series is based.

Tue 03 Nov 2020, 09:28 | Tags: Literature, Mathematics, Mathematics Institute, Sciences

Precautionary Breaks: planned, limited duration circuit breaks to control the prevalence of COVID-19

Cases of COVID-19 are rising exponentially in almost all regions of the country, with some areas experiencing extremely high levels of infection - finds new research involving Warwick academics.

Wed 14 Oct 2020, 10:52 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, Mathematics Institute

European Research Council awards €1.4 million grant to Warwick mathematical research

A pioneering researcher working in mathematical theory at the University of Warwick has received over €1.4 million in funding from the European Research Council.

Tue 13 Oct 2020, 10:30 | Tags: Europe, Mathematics, research, Mathematics Institute, ERC, STEM

A new method for directed networks could help multiple levels of Science

In the paper, ‘How directed is a directed network?’, published today, the 9th September in the journal Royal Society Open Science, researchers from the University of Warwick and the University of Birmingham reveal a new method for analysing hierarchies in complex networks and illustrate it by applications to economics, language and gene expression.

Wed 09 Sep 2020, 09:17 | Tags: Statistics, Mathematics, Mathematics Institute, Sciences

Warwick Hosts another year of the Data Science for Social Good programme

This summer the University of Warwick, together with the Alan Turing Institute, is hosting the Data Science for Social Good (DSSGx UK) summer project programme for the second time. This year’s summer project programme has gone ahead in spite of challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, with highly talented Data Scientists from all over the world, from the UK, Poland, USA, Canada, Columbia, China, Romania and Mexico coming together (virtually) to work on two high-impact projects with Ofsted and World Bank.


Warwick Moto’s electric superbike build racing ahead despite lockdown

Warwick Moto team, consisting of 25 Warwick students aren’t letting the pandemic get in the way of designing, building and developing the electric superbike, as they’re doing it virtually from home.

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