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UK researchers “thread the needle” to improve IVF success rates

A team of mathematicians, engineers and clinicians are using their expertise to improve IVF success rates, according to a new study.

Going rogue: Scientists apply giant wave mechanics on a nanometric scale

Researchers have shown how the principles of rogue waves – huge 30-metre waves that arise unexpectedly in the ocean – can be applied on a nano scale, with dozens of applications from medicine to manufacturing.

Wed 18 Oct 2023, 16:58 | Tags: Mathematics, research, Mathematics Institute, solar power, Sciences

Wing-screen wipers: How self-cleaning cicadas could help us have cleaner cars

Self-cleaning cicadas could help design new tech which will make our cars cleaner, scientists say.

Wed 27 Sep 2023, 16:51 | Tags: Mathematics, research, Mathematics Institute, Sciences

The Royal Society's 2023 Sylvester Medal is awarded to Warwick Mathematics Institute's Professor Miles Reid

The Royal Society's 2023 Sylvester Medal for outstanding contributions in the field of Mathematics has been awarded to the Warwick Mathematics Institute's Professor Miles Reid.

Wed 30 Aug 2023, 09:16 | Tags: Awards, Mathematics, Mathematics Institute

University of Warwick Maths professor awarded CBE in King’s first Birthday Honours

A pioneering Maths professor from the University of Warwick has been awarded a CBE in the King’s first Birthday Honours list.

Sat 17 Jun 2023, 08:48 | Tags: Awards, Mathematics, Mathematics Institute, Honours List, CBE

Inequalities around COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide led to increased spread, new variants and higher mortality rates

New research has shown the advantages of equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across the globe.

Mon 07 Nov 2022, 10:19 | Tags: research, Mathematics Institute, coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccines

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