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Family-Friendly Fun in ‘Planting Roots Festival’ at Warwick Arts Centre

The University of Warwick's Warwick Arts Centre invites families in the local community to a day of eco-friendly entertainment and creativity at the Planting Roots Festival on Saturday, November 4th, 2023.

University of Warwick researcher to benefit from £80m Royal Society funding to develop sustainable plastics

The University of Warwick will be at the forefront of research into sustainable materials, thanks to a share of £80 million funding by the Royal Society.

Hydrogen research hub awarded £11 million to help UK reach Net Zero targets

The University of Warwick is one of several partners to benefit from £11m funding as part of a new hydrogen research hub.

Sat 23 Sep 2023, 15:15 | Tags: Engineering, research, Environment, Greenpower, sustainability, Sciences

Graphene discovery could help generate hydrogen cheaply and sustainably

Researchers from The University of Warwick and the University of Manchester have finally solved the long-standing puzzle of why graphene is so much more permeable to protons than expected by theory.

Wed 23 Aug 2023, 16:41 | Tags: research, Chemistry, Greenpower, Chemical Engineering, sustainability

Addressing sustainability in a round-about way

One of the University of Warwick’s picturesque roundabouts has been crowned Roundabout of the Year 2024, recognising its impact on promoting biodiversity and protecting the local ecosystem of bees, butterflies, and insects.

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 08:23 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, Environment, sustainability

University of Warwick gets to know its local moths

This week the University of Warwick hosted its first moth survey event. The survey is part of National Moth Week and found ten varieties of moths live on campus. The survey attendees were able to learn more about these creatures, why they are so important to the ecosystem and what they can tell us about climate change.

Thu 27 Jul 2023, 16:43 | Tags: Faculty of Arts, Arts and Humanities, sustainability

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