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High value chemicals for pharmaceuticals could be made cheaper and greener by new catalysts

High value chemicals used to make pharmaceuticals could be made much cheaper and quicker thanks to a series of new catalysts made by scientists at the University of Warwick in collaboration with GoldenKeys High-Tech Co., Ltd. in China.

Tue 01 Oct 2019, 10:23 | Tags: Chemistry, Health and Medicine, catalysts

Warwick spinout, Stoli Catalysts, wins €1.2m to halve the cost of making medicines, vitamins and food supplements

Stoli Catalysts, a spin-out company from the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick has been awarded €1.2m (£1.1m) from the European Innovation Council (EIC) SME Instrument scheme to design, build and test a small-scale pilot plant to make medicines, vitamins and food supplements at much lower cost and more sustainably using its patented continuous flow catalytic reactor technology.

Wed 07 Aug 2019, 09:50 | Tags: Sciences, Warwick Ventures, energy, catalysts