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Manufacturers leverage supply chain practices developed in response to COVID-19 to prepare for Brexit

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many people across the world, one particular way includes supply chains, some people found they couldn’t buy pasta or loo roll, and it was the same for manufacturers, who suddenly had to change their strategies to ensure their supply chain during the pandemic. A survey by researchers at WMG, University of Warwick saw 250 mid to large manufacturers from food and beverage to automotive, and pharmaceuticals to electronical equipment and more industries respond to the survey about their supply chain resilience in the current state and future potential.

Tue 20 Oct 2020, 10:09 | Tags: Sciences, WMG, management, manufacturing, supply chains

Warwick is top Midlands University for entrepreneurs and managers

The University of Warwick is the number one university in the Midlands for students who aspire to start their own company or run a business, according to a new survey.

Football managers must talk the talk as well as walk the walk, research finds.

Football managers must choose their words and their interview strategies with care if they want to win over the fans and project a successful image, according to University of Warwick linguistics expert Kieran File.
In a new paper published in the Journal of Pragmatics, Dr File, from the University’s Centre for Applied Linguistics, explores how the language used by Manchester United manager David Moyes in his post-match interviews may have affected the fans’ confidence in his ability to govern the team.