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Global RTP Access

Access to Warwick RTP Facilities from Less Well-Resourced Geographical Regions

We are very aware that excellent science is carried out in areas of the world which might not have access to the type of analytical facilities that are often required by many International journals, referees and editors which can sometimes obstruct publication and dissemination. This can impede publication and can prevent dissemination of important work and stops data being put into the public domain.

At Warwick we are fortunate to have excellent and world-class analytical facilities we are making several of our platforms available for free short-term projects globally, subject to application. All we ask is that where our technical staff have contributed to the research they are acknowledged in the most appropriate way to recognise their contribution.

Note, we cannot provide travel funding and any work will be carried out by our staff with samples being mailed to us

The following facilities are participating in the scheme:

Polymer Characterization RTP
Advanced Mass Spectrometry RTP
Warwick Centre for Ultrafast Spectroscopy (WCUS)
Advanced Bioimaging (Cryo-EM) RTP
Spectroscopy RTP
X-Ray Diffraction RTP
X-Ray Photoemission (XPS) RTP
Electron Microsopy RTP

Mass Spectrometry

Solution NMR

Application Process:

This provision is only for those outside of the UK in areas of the world which lack appropriate funding mechanisms, with projects envisaged around 1-2 days in length. Applicants must discuss the project with relevant facility manager(s) to determine the feasibility of their investigation, before submitting a one page scientific justification outlining the specific aims of the project, why it is required, why this cannot be achieved in the home institute/country, an estimate of the time needed, and what the impact of the investigation will be.

In the first instance, interested applicants must contact Dr Chris Waldron ( who will make an initial assessment and direct to the relevant facility manager.

When directed to, applicants can submit their justification document using this form.

After submission, the case will be reviewed by our working group. We anticipate high demand for this scheme, and as such applications must be of a high quality, with a clear need, and publication potential.