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The Inaugural University of Warwick Global Social Mobility Debate

Global Social Mobility Debate

The University of Warwick in conjunction with RSA Academies and the British Library cordially invite you to attend a major debate in London on the theme of UK Universities, access and the global social mobility challenge.

This event will take place on 13 November from 12:00-14:30 at the British Library. The debate will bring together an exceptional panel of speakers to share their expertise and perspectives on widening participation interventions in the UK within the context of the global challenge of securing greater equity in higher education participation.

Introduced by:
Panellists include:

This debate is part of a wider collaboration between the University of Warwick and the RSA Academies programme on the development of innovative, effective and distinct approaches to widening participation.

Any queries about the event should be directed to Dr Catriona Firth, Warwick Commission Project Manager, at warwickcommission at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Please REGISTER as soon as possible using the form below. Please note that we expect this event to fill up very quickly. If you no longer require your place, please let us know ASAP to allow us to give your place to someone else.

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Supported by Palgrave Macmillan and the RSA Academies

