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Community space for organised events

We manage the space bookings outside the Rootes Building and the Students' Union which include the Piazza and Benefactors Place.

Societies, departments, staff and students can hold events, usually with no cost. The spaces make the most of the available seating and lighting so all campus users can enjoy the events.

  • Usually there is no cost. Sometimes charges may apply but you'll be advised in advance.
  • Bookings should be made at least seven working days in advance of your event.
  • If your event requires use of the Big Screen or the audio feed muted, please email
  • Holding an event is not possible until you've received email confirmation from our team.

Welcome Week - for any events taking place between 19 September and 29 September, please contact the Welcome Team to book:

Significant Dates

Occasionally the Piazza is not bookable due to University led events, large events, or it already being fully booked. We will try to advertise these dates in advance where possible.

Location of zones

Piazza zones

Benefactors Place zones

Planning an event

A few helpful things to note when planning an event:

  • There are 10 electricity points available, all located on Benefactors Place
  • Music and amplified sound is generally not permitted.
  • See the terms and conditions for further details.
  • Space is available for loading and unloading via the Rootes Building service road. However you must park any vehicles elsewhere on campus
  • In all but exceptional cases, food, drink and other merchandise cannot be sold or given away at any event, even for charitable purposes.

Questions, suggestions or feedback?

Contact the event space booking team: