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Ord. 18 Health and Safety in the University

Ordinance on Health and Safety in the University

(1) It shall be a duty of all staff, students and others working in the University to comply, as far as it is appropriate, with:

(a) The provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act, 1974 and Statutory Regulations.

(b) Codes of Practice and Guidance issued by the Health and Safety Executive or other enforcing authorities.

(c) Guidance issued by the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals.

(d) The Statement of Health and Safety Policy issued by the Council of the University together with any other rules and guidance that may apply.

(2) It shall be the responsibility of each member of staff, student and every other person working on the premises of the University, to protect himself/herself, and others who may reasonably be expected to be affected, from hazards resulting from his/her work or behaviour.

(3) Heads of Departments shall ensure that the risks to health and safety of all activities undertaken by staff, students or others for which they have responsibilities are:

(a) Suitably and sufficiently assessed; and

(b) Eliminated or adequately controlled.

Note: The Council’s Statement on Health and Safety Policy, together with rules and guidance issued thereunder, are published on the Health, Safety and Welfare web pages, and under the section named 'Topic Guidance' in particular. Further information is also included in Departmental web pages as and when appropriate. Further guidance and support is also available from the Health and Safety Team.