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Recent Changes to the University Calendar

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Revisions to Regulations 4, 5

On 9 October 2019, the Council approved amendments to the following University Regulations, with changes taking effect from 30 October 2019:

    • Regulation 4 (Annual Review by the Academic Staff Committee)

Rationale: Revisions to this regulation update terminology, removing references to PCAPP and replacing these with Academic and Professional Pathway for Teaching Excellence (APPTE) and removing references to gendered language.

  • Regulation 5 (Grant of Study Leave, Leave of Absence, and Leave to accept a Research Award)

Rationale: Minor amendments in line with streamlining activity taking place in the University with regards to other regulations.

    Thu 10 Oct 2019, 10:00 | Tags: Regulations

    Establishment of Regulation 45

    On 10 July 2019, the Council approved the establishment of Regulation 45, Governing Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and Other Debts, taking immediate effect.

    Rationale: The regulation is based on the previous Ordinance 16, the Regulation now reflects an updated process that improves the efficiency of decision making and means that swifter support action can be identified to enable students to clear their debts in a timely manner. Delegated authority has been changed from Council to Finance and General Purposes Committee.

    Wed 10 Jul 2019, 17:00 | Tags: Regulations

    Revisions to Regulations 8, 11, 36

    On 10 July 2019, the Council approved amendments to the following University Regulations, with changes taking effect from the start of the 2019/2020 academic year on 1 October 2019:

    • Regulation 8 (Regulation of First Degrees)

    Rationale: The amendments reflect the new accreditation requirements for Engineering courses offered by the School of Engineering and Warwick Manufacturing Group.

    • Regulation 11 (Procedure to be Adopted in the event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test)

    Rationale: Minor amendments related to the constitution of Investigation Committees of the Senate, the penalties that can be applied and ensuring compliance with recent recommendations from the Office of Independent Adjudicator.

    • Regulation 36 (Student Registration, Attendance and Progress)

    Rationale: Minor amendments so that all deadlines for student assessment submissions be set between 9am and 4pm on University working days to provide greater clarity, address health and welfare issues, and enable students to seek help for technical/practical issues encountered during working office hours. It is also proposed that the penalties for late submission of assessed work should be harmonised to 5 percentage points per University working day for all taught students.

    Wed 10 Jul 2019, 16:00 | Tags: Regulations

    Revisions to Regulations 2, 34

    On 15 May 2019, the Council approved amendments to the following University Regulations, with changes taking immediate effect:

    • Regulation 2.3 (Governing the Election of Representatives of the Assembly to Membership of the Senate)

    Rationale: The amendments reflect the transition to the new Charter, Statutes and Ordinances, updated as part of the Governing Instruments Review, and move to a single transferable vote (STV) system in Assembly elections.

    • Regulation 34 (Determination of Fitness to Practise)

    Rationale: The amendments reflect the introduction of standard operating procedures for degrees, in departments across the University, which are subject to fitness to practise requirements. The list of degrees, which are subject to fitness to practise requirements, has also been updated.

    Thu 16 May 2019, 13:49 | Tags: Regulations

    Revisions to Regulations 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 34, 36

    On 19 March 2019, the Chair of Council approved, by Chair's action, amendments to the following University Regulations, with changes taking immediate effect:

    • Regulation 2 (Committee Elections)

    • Regulation 6 (Admission to the University)
    • Regulation 12 (Absence for Medical Reasons from a University Examination for First Degrees)
    • Regulation 20 (Consideration of Honorary Graduands and Honorary Graduates)
    • Regulation 30 (Procedure for appointment of Heads of Joint Schools in the Faculties of Arts & Social Sciences)
    • Regulation 34 (Determination of Fitness to Practise)
    • Regulation 36 (Student Registration, Attendance and Progress)

    Rationale: Minor housekeeping amendments arising from the Governing Instruments Review.

    Mon 25 Mar 2019, 11:20 | Tags: Regulations

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