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Recent Changes to the University Calendar

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Revisions to Regulations 2, 6, 9, 15, 34, 36 and 38

At its meeting on 7 February 2018 the Council approved amendments to the following University Regulations:

  • Regulation 2 on Committee Elections
  • Regulation 6 on Admission to the University
  • Regulation 9 on Constitutions of Boards of Examiners
  • Regulation 15 on Higher Doctorates
  • Regulation 34 on Determination of Fitness Practise
  • Regulation 36 on Student Registration, Attendance and Progress
  • Regulation 38 on Research Degrees

Rationale: To reflect further amendments arising from the academic governance review. The majority of the amendments reflect the disestablishment of the Board of Undergraduate Studies and the merger of the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties to form Faculty Education Committees. Additionally, gendered terminology has been removed.  

Fri 09 Feb 2018, 11:59 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Ordinances 7 and 9

At its meeting on 7 February 2018, the Council approved for the first time amendments to University Ordinance 7 on Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties and University Ordinance 9 on Board of Graduate Studies.

Rationale: To reflect further amendments arising from the academic governance review, to addressing operability issues identified by the Faculties and to update the Board of Graduate Studies constitution, previously approved by the Senate.

At its meeting on 7 February 2018, the Council approved for the second time amendments to University Ordinance 7 on Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties and University Ordinance 9 on Board of Graduate Studies.

Rationale: Following the review undertaken by the Academic Governance Review Group on the University’s academic governance processes it was proposed that Ordinance 7 and Ordinance 9 be amended to reflect the disestablishment of the Board of Undergraduate Studies and the merger of the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties to form Faculty Education Committees. Additionally, redundant references to sub-faculties have been removed.

Fri 09 Feb 2018, 11:53 | Tags: Ordinances

Revisions to Regulation 42

Chair's action was taken on 7 December 2017 to confirm proposed changes to Regulation 42 on Governing Academic Appeals.

Rationale: to clarify that a member of staff from the Students’ Union Advice Centre can accompany a student to an Appeal Committee.

Fri 08 Dec 2017, 08:54 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Regulation 42

At its meeting on 18 October 2017 the Council approved amendments to Regulation 42 on Governing Academic Appeals.

Rationale: To take account of the fact that not all Appeals Committee panels have a Chair.

Fri 20 Oct 2017, 12:09 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Ordinances 10 and 11

At its meeting on 18 October 2017 the Council approved for the second time, an amendment to University Ordinance 10 on Departments.

Rationale: To allow the wording of Ordinance 10 to be generalised to allow for flexibility in determining the appropriate leadership role as the nature and size of Departments change over time.

At its meeting on 18 October 2017 the Council approved for the second time, an amendment to University Ordinance 11 on the Appointment of Heads of Departments.

Rationale: That in some cases the role of Head of Department is incorporated into a broader substantive appointment, such as Chair, or Executive Dean and that such roles should not fall within the provisions of Ordinance 11.

Fri 20 Oct 2017, 12:05 | Tags: Ordinances

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