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Recent Changes to the University Calendar

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Revisions to Ordinance 7

At its meeting held on 18 May 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 7 on the Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties be approved for the second time.

Rationale: To allow the Board of the Faculty of Medicine to have both an undergraduate and a postgraduate student representative.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:54 | Tags: Ordinances

Revisions to Regulations 11 and 37

At its meeting held on 10 – 11 February 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 11 Procedure to be adopted in the Event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test be confirmed.

Rationale: To allow Chairs of UG Studies Cttees to sit on Investigating Committees that consider students within their own faculty - to enable the responsibility for chairing ICSs to be more equitably distributed between all four Chairs.

At its meeting held on 10 – 11 February 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 37 Regulations Governing Taught Postgraduate Courses be confirmed.

Rationale: To allow Boards of Examiners the authority to agree extensions in excess of six monhts based solely on academic judgement.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:54 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Ordinances 7 and 16

At its meeting held on 10 - 11 February 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 7 on the Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties be approved for the first time.

Rationale: To allow the Board of the Faculty of Medicine to have both an undergraduate and a postgraduate student representative.

At its meeting held on 10 - 11 February 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 16 on the Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and Other Debts be approved for the second time.

Rationale: To ensure CMA compliance.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:52 | Tags: Ordinances

Revisions to Regulations 2, 5, 8 and 9

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 2.3 Regulations Governing the Election of Representatives of the Assembly to Membership of the Senate be confirmed.

Rationale: To modernise voting mechanisms.

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 5 Grant of Study Leave, Leave of Absence, and Leave to Accept a Research Award be confirmed.

Rationale: Following the Study Leave Committee being renamed the Academic Leave Committee, further review of Regulation 5 has been undertaken to ensure its continuing fitness for purpose and a range of changes proposed.

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 8 Regulations for First Degrees be confirmed.

Rationale: To reflect the governance of progression from the Foundation Year to the first year of the two new variant degrees in WBS.

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 9 Constitutions of Boards of Examiners be confirmed.

Rationale: To reflect the governance of progression from the Foundation Year to the first year of the two new variant degrees in WBS..

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:51 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Ordinance 16

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 16 on the Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and Other Debts be approved for the first time.

Rationale: To ensure CMA compliance.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:49 | Tags: Ordinances

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