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Recent Changes to the University Calendar

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Revisions to Regulation 8.3

At its meeting on 17 May 2017 the Council confirmed proposed changes to Regulation 8.3, Regulations for the Degree of BSc (and for the Degree of BA Awarded on the Recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Science) and for Undergraduate Masters Degrees in Science except for the Degree of BSc in Engineering and the Degree of BSc, Master of Engineering, (BSc, MEng) and BEng, Master of Engineering (BEng, MEng).

Rationale: To reflect changes to the Degrees of BEng and MEng in Computer Systems Engineering, as set out in SUGS.26/16-17 be approved, noting that the proposal for the change to Regulation 8.3 would take immediate effect and apply to current and incoming students as of the 2016/17 Examination Boards.

Fri 07 Jul 2017, 10:50 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Regulation 2.2

At its meeting on 8 February 2017 the Council confirmed proposed changes to Regulation 2.2 governing the Election of Representatives of the Boards of the Faculties to Membership of the Senate

Rationale: To more accurately reflect the eligibility as set out in Statute 15.

Fri 07 Jul 2017, 10:47 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Regulations 9.4, 22 and 31

At its meeting on 20 October 2016 the Council noted that Chair's action had been taken on behalf of the Council to confirm revisions to the following University Regulations:

Regulation 9.4, Governing the Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the degrees of MBChB

Rationale: To achieve consistent membership, limit the overlap in membership between the Board and other key decision-making bodies and to create a distinction between Board members and day-to-day teaching staff.

Regulation 22, General Library Regulations

Rationale: Housekeeping.

Regulation 31, Regulations governing the use of University Computing Facilities

Rationale: Housekeeping.

Fri 07 Jul 2017, 10:43 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Regulations 28, 29 and 34

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 28 Regulation Covering Intellectual Property Rights be confirmed.

Rationale: To better articulate the regulation to ensure institutional compliance with advice from the Consumer and Markets Authority on the interpretation of consumer protection law.

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that the revised University Regulation 29 Freedom of Speech be confirmed.

Rationale: To better articulate the University's approach and to demonstrate its commitment to freedom of speech. Prevent agenda (catalyst for proposal), previously considered by Senate 27/1/16.

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 34 Regulation for the Determination of Fitness to Practise be confirmed.

Rationale: To bring the regulation in line with proposed changes to the constitution of the Fitness to Practise committee within the Medical School.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 15:06 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Ordinances 7, 13 and 23

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 7 on the Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties in relation to the establishment of the Department of Warwick Foundation Studies be approved for the first time.

Rationale: BFA: to include representation from the Language Centre on the BFA; BFM: a number of recommendations (see papers); reflection of the establishment of the School for Cross-Faculty Studies.

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 7 on the Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties in relation to changes to the constitution of the Boards of the Faculties of Arts and Medicine be approved for the second time.

Rationale: BFA: to include representation from the Language Centre on the BFA; BFM: a number of recommendations (see papers); reflection of the establishment of the School for Cross-Faculty Studies.

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to Ordinance 13 on Degrees and Diplomas be approved for the first time.

Rationale: To institute the award of MS (Master of Science) for courses awarded jointly with the University of Warwick in California, and remove the award of Master of Surgery.

At its meeting held on 20 October 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to Ordinance 23 on Code of Practice pursuant to the Education Act 1994 Part II: Students' Unions University Ordinance be approved for the second time.

Rationale: Revisions to SU Framework of Good Governance.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 14:05 | Tags: Ordinances

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