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Recent Changes to the University Calendar

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Revisions to Ordinances 7 and 16

At its meeting held on 10 - 11 February 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 7 on the Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties be approved for the first time.

Rationale: To allow the Board of the Faculty of Medicine to have both an undergraduate and a postgraduate student representative.

At its meeting held on 10 - 11 February 2016, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 16 on the Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and Other Debts be approved for the second time.

Rationale: To ensure CMA compliance.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:52 | Tags: Ordinances

Revisions to Regulations 2, 5, 8 and 9

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 2.3 Regulations Governing the Election of Representatives of the Assembly to Membership of the Senate be confirmed.

Rationale: To modernise voting mechanisms.

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 5 Grant of Study Leave, Leave of Absence, and Leave to Accept a Research Award be confirmed.

Rationale: Following the Study Leave Committee being renamed the Academic Leave Committee, further review of Regulation 5 has been undertaken to ensure its continuing fitness for purpose and a range of changes proposed.

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 8 Regulations for First Degrees be confirmed.

Rationale: To reflect the governance of progression from the Foundation Year to the first year of the two new variant degrees in WBS.

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 9 Constitutions of Boards of Examiners be confirmed.

Rationale: To reflect the governance of progression from the Foundation Year to the first year of the two new variant degrees in WBS..

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:51 | Tags: Regulations

Revisions to Ordinance 16

At its meeting held on 25 November 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 16 on the Payment of Annual Fees, Residential Charges and Other Debts be approved for the first time.

Rationale: To ensure CMA compliance.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 13:49 | Tags: Ordinances

Revisions to Ordinances 7 and 13

At its meeting held on 15 October 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 7 on the Constitution of the Boards of the Faculties be approved for the second time.

Rationale: The Board of the Faculty of Arts recommended to the Senate that the number of departmental representatives be limited to two, with the exception of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures which should have a representative from each Unit. It also seeks an updating of other membership categories to reflect the Board’s strategic role. The recommended amendments to its constitution will align the Board’s constitution to those of other Faculties and will enable the Board to discharge its strategic role. The Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences recommended to the Senate that the number of departmental representatives be limited to two and that other membership categories be updated to reflect the Board’s strategic role. These include the full involvement of Chairs of all Faculty-level committees to ensure that the Board is fully apprised of developments in these areas. The Board took the opportunity to align its constitution to those of other Faculties.

At its meeting held on 15 October 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Ordinance 13 on Degrees and Diplomas be approved for the second time.

Rationale: To include the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) as a new award of the University.

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 12:59 | Tags: Ordinances

Revisions to Regulations 23, 27, 34, 36 and 37

At its meeting held on 8 July 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 23 Student Disciplinary Offences be noted.

Rationale: To provide greater consistency, parity and resilience, whilst also resolving a number of matters that have been identified through coordination between the relavant admin and professional services and in consultation with the Students' Union.

At its meeting held on 8 July 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 27 Residential Accommodation Regulations be noted.

Rationale: To provide greater consistency, parity and resilience, whilst also resolving a number of matters that have been identified through coordination between the relavant admin and professional services and in consultation with the Students' Union.

At its meeting held on 8 July 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 34 Regulation for the Determination of Fitness to Practise be confirmed.

Rationale: To include all those courses covered by the Regulation and list alternatively in an appendix.

At its meeting held on 8 July 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 36 Regulations Governing Student Registration, Attendance and Progress be noted.

Rationale: To provide greater consistency, parity and resilience, whilst also resolving a number of matters that have been identified through coordination between the relavant admin and professional services and in consultation with the Students' Union.

At its meeting held on 8 July 2015, the University Council resolved that proposed amendments to University Regulation 37 Regulations Governing Taught Postgraduate Courses Progress be confirmed.

Rationale: Classification of a Masters of Research (Mres) as a taught qualification

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 12:58 | Tags: Regulations

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