2.2 University Ordinances
The University Ordinances are informed by the Charter and Statutes and set out, in detail, the rules of conduct for University business.
The Council and Senate are responsible for approving new, amended or repealed Ordinances. Guidance on how to update a University Ordinance / Regulation can be found hereLink opens in a new window. An online log of amendments to the University’s Ordinances and Regulations is maintained and can also be found here.
A comprehensive review of the Ordinances was undertaken in 2018/19 in alignment to the amendments that were made to the Charter and Statutes as part of the Governing Instruments Review. The current version of the Ordinances were amended with effect from 13 February 2019 and are listed below.
A complete list of the previous version of the Ordinances as at 12 February 2019 can be found here .
Ordinance 1: Definitions
Ordinance 2: Members of the University
Ordinance 3: Officers of the University
3.1: The Chancellor
3.2: The Vice-Chancellor
3.3: The Pro-Chancellors
3.4: The Provost
3.5: The Pro-Vice-Chancellors
3.6: The Treasurer
Ordinance 4: The Council
4.1: The Nominations Committee
4.2: Appointed Members
4.3: Chair of Council
4.4: Powers of the Council
4.5: Procedures for meetings of the Council
4.6: Conflicts of Interest
4.7: Withdrawal from meetings
4.8: Secretary to Council
4.9: Committees of the Council
Ordinance 5: The Senate
5.1: Powers of the Senate
5.2: Procedures for meetings of the Senate
5.3: Committees of the Senate
Ordinance 6: Assembly
Ordinance 8: Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates
Ordinance 9: Honorary Degrees
Ordinance 10: Students' Union
Ordinance 11: Academic Employment
11.1: Matters relating to Academic Freedom - Gross Misconduct and Redundancy