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3.1c Academic Staff - Faculty of Science 2008-09

Department of Biological Sciences

Professors N. Dale, BSc Camb, PhD Brist (Ted Pridgeon Chair in Neurosciences)
J. Davey, BSc, PhD Warw
C.G. Dowson, BSc, PhD Bath
A.J. Easton, BSc Aberd, PhD Glas (Head)
D.J. Evans, BSc Dundee, DPhil Sussex
R.B. Freedman, MA, DPhil Oxf
B.G. Frenguilli, BSc Glas, PhD Birm
V. Fulop, BSc, PhD Budapest
L. Green, BSc Brist, MSc Lond, PhD Brist, MRCVS
D.A. Hodgson, BSc Warw, PhD E.Anglia
E.A. Jones, BSc Manc, DPhil Oxf
M.A. McCrae, BSc Edin, PhD Glas
G.F.H. Medley, BSc York, PhD Lond
J.B.A. Millar, BSc Camb, PhD Lond
J.C. Murrell, BSc S'ton, PhD Warw
L.M. Roberts, BTech, PhD Brad
C. Robinson, BSc Edin, PhD Warw
D.J. Scanlan, MSc Durh, PhD Warw
J.H. Scrivens, BSc, MSc, PhD Manc
C. Sheppard, BSc CNAA, PhD Durh (Part-time)
P.R. Stanfield, BA, PhD, ScD Camb
E.M.H. Wellington, BSc, PhD Liv
Honorary Professors P. Boseley, BSc Edin, PhD Portsmouth (Head, Scientific Affairs, Corporate Affairs, Health Protection Agency, Porton Down)
B.K. Follett, BSc, PhD Brist, DSc, HonLLD Wales, HonDSc Tech.U.Malaysia, FRS (Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Warwick)
D.J. Harvey, BSC, MSc Hull, PhD, DSc Glas, MA Oxf, CSci, C.Chem, FRSC (Mass Spectometry Consultant, University of Oxford)
S. Primrose, BSc Strath, PhD California (Former General Manager, Molecular Biology Division, Amersham International plc)
Professorial Fellow A. R. G. Price, BSc, PhD Wales (Part-time)
Associate Professors (Readers) C.S. Dow, BSc Edin, PhD Warw
K.N. Leppard, BA Oxf, PhD Lond
A.G. Morris, BA, DPhil Oxf
D.J. Nokes, BSc, PhD Lond
P.R. Norris, BSc CNAA, PhD Lond
R.W. Old, BA Camb, PhD Edin
Associate Professors R. Bland, BSc, MPhil Wales, PhD Birm
H-G. Burgert, MSc Tubingen, PhD Heidelberg
I.A. Carré, BSc, DEA Paris, PhD New York
O. Courtenay, BSc Oxf, Phd Lond
L. Frigerio, Laurea, PhD Cattolica S. Cuore
A.K. Green, BSc Manc, PhD Liv
A.C. Marriott, BA Camb, PhD Lond
K. G. Moffat, BSc Reading, PhD CranIT
Y. Pankratov, BSc, MSc Moscow, PhD Kiev
T.J.T. Pinheiro, Lic, MSc Coimbra, DPhil Oxf
D.I. Roper, BSc Wales, PhD LeicC.J.I. Smith, BSc, PhD Brist
C.J.I. Smith, BSc, PhD Brist
P.E. Squires, BSc, PhD Sheff
M.J. Wall, BPharm Lond, PhD Brist
Associate Clinical Professors M. Khan, MSc, MBBS, MRCP, PhD Lond (Joint appointment with Walsgrave Hospital NHS Trust)
Assistant Professors E.C. Anderson, Mbioc Oxf, PhD Camb
P. Arumagam, BSc, MSc, PhD India
Y. Pankratov, BSc, MSc Moscow, PhD Kiev
Director of Undergraduate Studies K.P. Flint, BSc, PhD Birm
Honorary Clinical Readers D. Honeybourne, MB ChB Brist, MRCP, MD, FRCP
Marie Curie Research Fellow K.J. Purdy, BA Oxf, PhD Essex
Recognised Researchers J. M. Lord, BSc Salf, PhD Brad (Part-time)
N.H. Mann, BSc, PhD Liv(Part-time)
H.R. Woodland, MA, DPhil Oxf (Part-time)
Recognised Teachers
D. Stott, BSc Brist, PhD Bath
Postdoctoral Research Assistants C.P. Aldridge, BSc Birm
I. Ashmole, BA Oxf, PhD Birm
A. Baldwin, BSc, PhD Cardiff
J.C. Brown, BA Camb, MSc Coventry, PhD Birm
C. B. Bull, BSc Lond, PhD, Rdg
J. C. Bull, BA Oxf, PhD Lond
E.F. Buckling, BSc, PhD Birm
G.J. Buttrick, BA Camb, DPhil Oxf
L.A. Calvo-Bado, BSc Mexico, PhD Lond
D. J. Carslake, MA Camb, MSc Wales, PhD Liv
L. Chaplin, BSc Manc, PhD Notts
Y. Chen, ME Beijing, PhD Warw
K.T. Chung, BS, MS Kor, PhD Warw
J. Cook, BSc Manc, MSc, PhD Warw
S. A. L. Correa, MS Sao Paulo, PhD Sao Paulo
F. Crea, MSc Birm
M. Cunliffe, BSc Liv, MSc, PhD Manc
E. Dumas, DEA, PhD France
S. Gattolin, MSc Padua, PhD Nott
W.H. Gaze, BSc Ban, PhD Stirl
P.S. Gould, BSc, PhD Birm
L. Guetzoyan, PhD France
T.A. House, BSc Oxf, DPhil Sus
L.E. Jardillier, BSc, MSc, PhD Blaise Pascal
J. Kaler, MSc Lond, PhD Warw
J-I Kyuno, MSc, PhD Tokyo
S. Li, BSc China, MPhil, PhD Leic
R. Ling BSc, PhD Warw
A. Lloyd, BSc, PhD Bath
M.W. Lock, BSc Edin, PhD Sheff
S.L. Mazard, MSc France, PhD Warw
J.C. Meadows, BSc Leic, PhD Lond
S. Mendel, BSc, MSc, PhD Israel
B. Meng, BSc Xi’an Jiaotong, PhD Leeds
A.D. Millard, BSc Plym, PhD Warw
R. B. Mistry, BSc Southamp, PhD Brist
S.J. Morris, BSc Cardiff, MPhil, PhD Birm
H.E.M. Moussard, Lic, Maitrise Caen, MSc, PhD Brest
B.B.C. Oakley, BA, MS, PhD USA
M. Omar, BSc Ulster, PhD Newc
W. A. M. Omara, MSc Egypt, PhD Man
M. Ostrowski, BSc, PhD NSW
A. Pontiroli, MSc Milan, PhD Lyon
A.J. Rothnie, MBiochem, DPhil Oxf
J. Santhanam, MSc India, MA USA, PhD USA
P.D. Scott, BSc Edin, PhD Cranfield
S.E. Slade, BSc Cov
C.J. Snowden, BSc York, PhD Leeds
M.R.P. Sorieul, MSc France, PhD France
R.A. Spooner, BSc, MSc Lond, PhD Brist
A.J. Sutton, BSc Open, MSc Sheff, PhD Warw
F.P. Sweeney, BSc Hull, MSc Liv, PhD Leic
K. Thalassinos, BSc Leic, MRes York, PhD Warw
F. Tian, BSc, PhD Chinese Acad of Sci
A.K. Tuplin, BSc, PhD Edin
M.C. Vernon, MRCVS, BA, VetMB, MA Camb, PhD Camb
A.K. Wallis, BSc, PhD Copenhagen
G.J. Wassink, PhD Glas
N. Wilkinson, BSc Brist, PhD Warw
K.A. Woodbine, BSc Liv, PhD Warw
H. Wright, BSc Leic, PhD Nott
S. Zervou, BSc Wolv, MSc, PhD Warw
L. Zhang, MSc China, PhD Sweden
K. Zwirglmaier, MSc, PhD Munchen
Graduate Research Assistants C.F.R.O. Matos, BSc, MSc Algarve
N. Sanghera, BSc Kingston, MSc Lond, PhD Warw
N. Vasisht, BSc Manc, MSc Leic
Senior Administrative Officer S.T. Bailey, BSc Soton, ACA
Finance Officer S.M. Partridge, BSc Soton
Technical Services Manager S. Stanley, PhD Sheff, PhD Warw
Technical Manager H.E. Brown, BSc Notts, PhD Newc
IT Manager P. McDonald
Personnel Officer F. Patel, BA Nott Trent, CIPD Cov
Project Officer S.J. Hicks, BSc Wales, MSc, PhD Lond
Part-time Short Courses Officer C.A. Moonan, BSc Leic, PhD CranIT
Publicity Officer E.A. Robinson, BSc Manc
Executive Officer (Academic) C.E. Howes

Department of Chemistry

Professors of Chemistry

G.L. Chalis, BSc Lond, DPhil Oxf
P.J. Derrick, BSc, PhD Lond (part-time)
D.M. Haddleton, BSc, PhD York
T.S. Jones, BSc, PhD Liv
P.B. O’Connor, BS North Texas, MS, PhD Cornell
A. Rodger, BSc, PhD Syd, MA Oxf
P.M. Rodger, BSc, PhD Syd, Dip Biblical Stud
P.J. Sadler, MA, DPhil Oxf, FRS, FRSE (Head)
P. Scott, BSc Salf, DPhil Oxf
M. Shipman, BSc, PhD Lond
P.R. Taylor, BSc, PhD Syd
P.R. Unwin, BSc Liv, DPhil Oxf
M. Wills, BSc Lond, DPhil Oxf

Professor of Biological Chemistry T.D.H. Bugg, BA, PhD Camb
Professor and Royal Society University Research Fellow J.V. Macpherson, BSc, PhD Warw
Honorary Professors P.J. Davis, BSc, MSc, PhD Lond
R.M.J. Palmer, BSc Bath, PhD UCL
P.D. Roberts, BSc, PhD Durh
Associate Professors (Readers) R.J. Deeth, BSc Tasmania, PhD Camb, CChem
P.C. Taylor, BSc, PhD Durh (Part-time)
Associate Professors A.J. Clark, BSc, PhD Lond
S.A.F. Bon, MSc, PhD Eindhoven
A. Marsh, BSc, PhD Lond
J.P. Rourke, BSc, PhD Sheff
T.R. Walsh, BSc Melb, PhD Camb
R.I. Walton, BA, MA Oxf, PhD Reading
Associate Professor and Royal Society Olga Kennard Research Fellow C.A. Blindauer, Diplom-Chemikerin Freiburg, PhD Basel
Assistant Professors G. Constantini, MPhys, PhD Genoa
A.M. Dixon, BSc Plym, PhD Kansas
M. Lochner, DiplomChem Zurich, PhD Basel
EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow and Assistant Professor D. Fox, BA Oxf, PhD Reading
Royal Society University Research Fellow and Assistant Professor V. Stavros, BSc, PhD, Lond
RCUK Academic Fellows A.P. Dove, MChem York, PhD Lond
A. Troisi, Laurea Chim, Dott.Sci.Chim Bologna
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow A.L. Whitworth, MChem Balliol, PhD Warw
RCUK Academic Fellows A.P. Dove, MChem York, PhD Lond
A. Troisi, Laurea Chim, Dott.Sci.Chim Bologna
Royal Academy oF Engineering Research Fellow R.A. Hatton, MSc, PhD Nott
Principal Research Fellow M.J. Ashwin, BSc Cov, PhD Warw
Senior Research Fellow A. Habtemariam, BSc C. England, MSc Leeds, PhD Sus
Research Officer in Mass Spectrometry A.W. Colburn, BSc Leeds, PhD Warw
Research Officer G. Clarkson, BSc, PhD Glas
Marie Curie Research Fellow M. Zhang, BS Liaocheng, MS Chinese Acad Sci, PhD Peking
Teaching Fellows L.M. Reilly, BSc Aberd, PhD Lond, PGCE Wales
S.S Turner, BSc, PhD Manc
Research Fellows L.E.N. Allan, MSc, PhD Imperial
A.E. Anastasi, MChem, PhD York
N. Barker, BSc Bristol, PGCE Worcs
M.P. Barrow, BSc, PhD Warw
S.M. Barry, BSc, PhD Dublin
A. Beevers, BSc Portsmouth, PhD Leeds
C. Cariou, Bacc Guist’hau, MSc Nantes, PhD S’ton
D.L.G. Cheung, MSc St And, PhD Durh
A.E. Collis, MChem Leeds, PhD Nott
C. Corre, MSc Maitrise, DEA Magistere Nice, PhD Exeter
R. Da Campo, BCs Padua
J.E. Damas Martins, BSc, MSc, PhD Rio Grande Brazil
A. De Cuendias, BSc Pau,  MSc PhD Bordeaux
N. Farrer, BA, MSci Newnham
S. Gosiewska, MSc Comenius, PhD Utrecht
N. Grossiord, ECPM Louis Pasteur, PhD Eindhoven
M.R. Hicks, BSc Brist, DPhil Sus
C.T. Hoang, BSc Hanoi, PhD Paris-Sud 11
N.F. Kadi, BSc, MSc, PhD Montpellier II
T.J. Krzyzewski, BA Oxf, PhD Imperial
O.T. Leszczyszyn, BSc Cov, PhD Warw
Z. Lethbridge, BSc, PhD St And
C. Lin, BS Quingdao, MS Tianjin, PhD Tsinghua
J. Lindqvst, MSc, PhD Royal Inst of Tech
G. Mantovani, Laurea Uni degli Studi Bologna, PhD Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
Dr. N. Martsinovich, MSc Belarus State, PhD Sussex
D. Morris, BSc Bath, MSc, PhD Warw
A. Mukherjee, BSc, MSc N. Bengal, PhD Bangalore
R. Notman, BSc, MSc Wales, PhD Kings
J. Oates BSc Sheff
D. Oves Costales, BSc, MSc, PhD Oviedo
A.M. Pizarro, BSc TEA, PhD Madrid
Dr. I. Prokes, Mgr, PhD Bratislava
D. Quigley, MPhys, PhD York
D. Rea, BSc E. Anglia, PhD Warwick
L. Salassa, Laurea, PhD Turin
L. Song, BSc Chengdu, MSc Sichuan, PhD Leics
P.J. Sullivan, MSc, PhD Imperial
S.K. Vernekar, BSc, MSc Karnataka, PhD Westfaelische Wilhelms Muenster
A. Veyron, MSc Haute-Alsace, Mullhouse, PhD Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
J.P. Williams, BSc, PhD Swansea
J. Yang, BSc XiangTan, PhD Changchun
M. Zhang, BS Liaocheng, MS Chinese Academy Sciences, PhD Peking
Departmental Administrator D.P. Josey, BSc, PhD Lond
Chemistry Finance Administrator S. Hall
Academic Administrator S. Udall, BSc Hull
Chair’s Office Administrator C.A.M. Billing

Department of Computer Science

Professors M. Campbell-Kelly, BSc Manc, PhD CNAA
A. Czumaj, MSc Warsaw, PhD Paderborn
J. Feng, BS, MS, PhD Peking
M.S. Paterson, MA, PhD Camb, FRS (Head)
R.G. Wilson, BSc, PhD Glas (Head)
Associate Professor (Reader) W.M. Beynon, BSc, PhD Lond
Associate Professors

S.S. Anand, BA Delhi, MSc Belf, DPhil Ulster
A.H. Bhalerao, BSc, PhD Warw
A. I. Cristea, MEng Bucharest, PhD Tokyo
N.E. Griffiths, BSc, PhD Warw
S.A. Jarvis, BSc Lond, MSc Oxf, PhD Durh
M.S. Joy, MA Camb, PhD E.Anglia, PGCE
S. Kalvala, BSc Brazil, MCA Hyd, MSc, PhD Calif
R.S. Lazic, BA, DPhil Oxf
C.T. Li, BS Taiwan, MS USA, PhD Warw
G.R. Martin, BSc, PhD Lond
S.G. Matthews, BSc, MSc Lond, PhD Warw
R. Nagarajan, MS Delaware, PhD Lond
N.M. Rajpoot, BSc, MSc Pakistan, PhD Warw
S.B. Russ, BSc, MA Lond, PhD Open
J.E. Sinclair, BA Oxf, PhD Open
A. Tiskin, MSc St Petersburg, DPhil Oxf

Assistant Professors L. He, BSc, MSc China, PhD Warw
A. Jhumka, BA, MA Camb, PhD Germany
M. Jurdzinski, MSc Warsaw, PhD Aarhus
H. Räecke, MSc, PhD Paderborn
RCUK Academic Fellow Y. Timofeeva, BSc St Petersburg, MSc, PhD Lough
Technical Manager R.A. Packwood, BSc, PhD Warw
Systems Programmers R.J. Cunningham, BSc Leic
P. Williamson, BSc Texas
Administrative Officer C.M. Leigh, BSc Rdg, DMS Staffs, CertEd CNAA, PhD Warw
Undergraduate Administrator J. Pinks
Departmental & Postgraduate Secretary A. Cross, BSc Open

School of Engineering

Dean J.P.K. Seville, BA, MA, MEng Camb, PhD Surrey, FREng, CEng, FIChemE
Associate Dean (Teaching) A.M. Price, BSc, PhD Newcastle, CEng
Professor of Electronic Communication Systems R.J. Green, BSc UMIST, PhD Brad, CEng, FIET, SMIEEE, MESEM
Professor of Electronic Engineering   J.W. Gardner, BSc Birm, PhD Camb, DSc Warw, FREng, CEng, FIET, FInstP, SMIEEE

D. Anderson, BSc, PhD Manc, FREng, CEng, FIStructE, FICE (Part-time)
P.J. Bryanston-Cross, BSc, PhD Aston, CEng, FRAeS
D.G. Chetwynd, BA Oxf, DSc Warw, PhD Leic, FIoN
R.E. Critoph, BSc, PhD S'ton, DSc Warw, Ceng
K.R. Godfrey, BSc(Eng), PhD Lond, DSc Warw, CEng, FIET
I. Guymer, BSc, DIS Lough, PhD Birm, CEng
T. Huang, BSc, MSc, PhD Tianjin (Part-time)
D.A. Hutchins, BSc, PhD Aston, FInstNDT, SMIEEE
R.M. Kerr, BSc, MSc Chicago, PhD Cornell
W.J. Lewis, Dip Inz Opole, MSc Birm, PhD CNAA, CEng, MIStructE, FICE
P.A. Mawby, BSc, PhD Leeds, CEng, FIET, FInstP, SMIEEE
N.G. Stocks, BSc, PhD Lanc
P.J. Thomas, Dip, PhD Gött

Readers E.L. Hines, BSc CNAA, GDMA, PhD Brad, DSc Warw
J.T. Mottram, BSc, PhD Durh, DSc Warw, CEng
Associate Professors D.R. Billson, BSc Birm, MSc H-W, PhD Warw
M.J. Chappell, BSc, MSc, PhD Warw
Y.M. Chung, BSc, MSc, PhD KAIST (Korea)
M. Cole, BSc Montenegro, PhD Coventry
J.A. Covington, BEng, MRes, PhD Warw
S.T. Davies, BSc, PhD Lond, DIC
D.D. Iliescu, BSc Bucharest, PhD Warw
P.J. Kimber, BSc Warw
M.S. Leeson, BSc, BEng Nott, PhD Camb, CEng
X. Liu, BSc, MSc Harbin, PhD Warw
K. Mao, BSc, MSc Harbin, PhD Birm
C. Mias, BEng Bath, PhD Camb, PGCE
P. Purnell, BEng Exe, PhD Aston
R.C. Staunton, BSc City, MSc Brist, PhD Warw, CEng
T.H. Thomas, BA Camb, PhD Warw, CEng (Part-time)
T. Tjahjadi, BSc Lond, MSc, PhD UMIST, SMIEEE
C-Y Zhao, BEng Xi’an Jiaotong, PhD Xi-an Jiaotong & Camb
Director of Undergraduate Studies D.J. Britnell, BEng, PhD Warw
Director of International Undergraduate Admissions   N. Storey, BSc, PhD S'ton, CEng, FBCS
Assistant Professors A.T. Bryant, MEng, PhD Camb
T.M. Chan, BEng Hong Kong, MSc, DIC Lond
Y. Chen, BSc, MSc Shanghai JiaotongI, PhD Alberta
P. Denissenko, BSc, MPhil Novosibirsk, PhD Hull
N.D. Evans, BSc, MSc, PhD Warw
D. A. Lockerby, BEng, PhD Warw
A. Muetze, Dipl-Ing, PhD TU Darmstadt
Q. Ni, BEng Tongji, PhD NOS (Singapore)
J.M. Pearson, BEng, PhD Sheff
K. Richter, Dipl-Ing Aachen, PhD Sheff
G.S.F. Shire, BEng, MRes Warw, PhD Brist
Z. Tamainot-Telto, MSc Nancy I, PhD Lyon, CEng
Principal Teaching Fellow W.E. Crofts, BA Open, MSc Cov, PhD Warw, CEng
Principal Research Fellow S.C. Li, PhD Beijing and Warw
Senior Teaching Fellows B.G. Burrows, BEng Sheff, MSc Birm, PhD Warw, CEng
C.E. Oram, BSc Warw, PhD CranIT
Senior Research Fellow S. Al-Khalifa, BSc Baghdad, MSc Aston, PhD Warw
Research Fellows M.M.R.A. Abd Elrazek, BSc Helwan, MSc Cairo, PhD Northumbria
J. Brew, BSc, MSc UMIST
L.A.J. Davies, BSc Bangor, MSc Brunel, PhD Warw
G.G. Diamond, BSc, MSc, PhD Warw
P. Dunkley, BEng, PhD Warw
K.L. Kudar, BEng Leic, PhD Warw
A. Nikitin, MSc, PhD Saratov
A.R. Ochana, BEng, PhD Lough
P. Pallav, BEng, Mumbai, PhD Warw
N.A. Parker-Allotey, BEng Oxf Brookes
J. Perez Velazquez, MMath, UNAM Mexico, PhD Nott
Z. Rácz, Dip.Eng Budapest, MSc, PhD Notre Dame
E. Rossoni, BSc Rome
M.M. Sabry, BSc, MSc Ain Shams (Cairo)
B. Shulgin, MSc, PhD Saratov
H. Singh, BEng NIT Kurukshetra, MEng IIT Roorkee
R. Thorpe, BEng, PhD Warw
B.H. Timmerman, PhD Nijmegen
J.C Tseng, BSc Taiwan, MMath NSW, PhD Curtin
S. Yang, BEng Shandong, MEng CEPRI Beijing, PhD Birm
Research Associates S.J. Metcalf, MEng Warw
Z. Zno, BSc, MSc Tsinghua
Experimental Officer M.C. Davis, BSc Leeds

Warwick Manufacturing Group

Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Head of Division Professor Lord S. K. Bhattacharyya KB, CBE, BTech Kharagpur, MSc, PhD Birm, HonD(Univ) Sur, Hon DSc Birm, HonDSc UTM Malaysia, HonD Business Administration Hong Kong Poly Uni, Hon DSc Kharagpur, Hon Dean Harbin Inst. Of Tech.,  FREng, FIET, FIMechE, CCMI, FCILT
Professor of Engineering J.O. Flower, BSc(Eng), PhD(Eng), DSc Lond, CEng, FIET, FIMarE
Professor of Applied Neuroimaging G. Calvert, BSc, DPhil Bath, BScLSE & Birkbeck
Professor of Materials (Metals) R. Dashwood, BSc, PhD Lond
Professor of Operations Management S. Banerji, BTech, MTech Karagpur, PhD Manc, COMIT
Professor of Visualisation A.G. Chalmers, BSc Natal, BSc, MSc Rhodes, PhD Brist
Professors P.A. Jennings, BA Oxford, EngD Warw
K.W. Young, BSc, PhD Nott
Honorary Professors V.S. Arunachalam, BSc Mysore, MSc Saugor, PhD Wales, HonDSc Indore, HonDLitt Annamalai, HonDEng Roorkee
C. Hodge, BSc, MSc, CEng, FIMarEST, FREng
P.C. Ruffles, BSc, HonDEng Brist, Birm, Sheff, FEng, FIMechE, FRAeS
J. Singh, BA, BSc
Industrial Professors R.A. Dover, BSc Manc, HonDSc Warw, FREng, FRSA
J. Ferrie, BSc, EngD Warw (Group Managing Director for Aerospace, Smiths Industries)
Sir R. McNulty CBE, BA, BComm Dublin, CBI (Chairman, National Air Traffic Services plc)
P.T. Warry, MA Oxf, LLB Lond, CEng, FIMechE, FIET, FCMA (Chairman of Kier Group)
Professorial Fellows D. Ceglarek, PhD Michigan
S.J. Creese, BSc N.Lond, MSc, DPhil Oxf
R. Roy, BSc Calcutta, MSc Birm
V.H. Raja, BSc Coventry, MSc Tees, PhD Berkley, CEng, FIMechE, FRSA, FRSH, MBCS
G.F. Smith, MSc, PhD UMIST
Executive Director, Postgraduate Programmes Professor S. Banerji
Academic Director of Graduate Studies, Manufacturing Dr A.L. Dowd
Director of Professional Programme Dr S. Barnes
Director of Research Degrees (WMG) Dr K. Neailey
Director of Undergraduate Studies Dr D.J. Britnell
Director of Undergraduate Admissions Ms K.S. Bradbury
Director of Warwick Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre Dr K.W. Young
Director, Digital Products Lifecycle Management Professor D. Ceglarek
Director of E-Security Professor S.J. Creese
Associate Professors D.J. Bal, BSc CNAA, MSc UMIST
S. Barnes, BSc CNAA, PhD Birm, CEng, CSci, Eur Ing, FIMMM, MIET
A.L. Dowd, BSc, PhD Leic, CEng, Eur Ing, FIET
A. Er, MSc, PhD Birm
K. Neailey, BSc Leeds, PhD Warw
C. Tennant, BSc CNAA, MSc, EngD Warw, FHEA, CEng, FIMechE
A. Veshagh, BSc Teheran, PhD Bath, DMS, MSAE, MASME
J. Wallbank, BSc Wales, MSc Strath, PhD Birm, CEng
Recognised Teacher J.F. Hill, MSc Birm, CEng (part-time)
Assistant Professors K. Debattista, BSc, MSc Malta, PhD Brist
L.E. Izquierdo, BSc, MSc Chile, MSc, PhD Michigan
K.E.A. Kirwan, MEng, EngD Warw, CEng, MIMechE
RCUK Academic Fellows S. Czanner, MSc, PhD, RNDr Comenius
L. Martinez-Solano, BSc Mexico, MSc Brad, PhD Wales
Principal Fellows A. Curtis, BSc Birm
J.D. Garside, BTech, MTech, PhD Lough, CEng, FIMechE
P.A.B. Roberts, MSc Birm
Senior Fellow N. Brennan, MSc Warw
Principal Teaching Fellows A. Ashton, BSc Liv, MBA Warw, CertEd, FCCA, EdD Sheff
K.S. Bradbury, BEng CNAA, MSc Herts, AMIET, MIOM
D.J. Britnell, BEng, PhD Warw
N.D. Davis, BSc Aston, PhD Warw
R.H. Gemmell, BSc Edin, MA Sheff
J.A. Jones, BSc, MPhil Lough, CPhys, CEng, CSi, MInstP
G. Knowles, BSc CNAA
D. Lu, BSc, MSc, PhD Shanghai, MBA Birm
K.K. Mallick, BSc Ban, MSc Newcastle (UK), PhD Sheff
J.M. Marshall, BSc Dund Coll Tech, PhD Lough
P.A. McCarthy, BSc CNAA, MSc Warw, FRSA
J.M. Newton, MA, MEng Camb, CDipAF, MAPM
M.K. Pinfold, BSc CNAA, MSc, PhD Warw, CEng, EurIng, MIMeche
S.A. Raynor, MA Oxf
I.P. Tuersley, BEng CNAA, PhD Warw, CEng, MIMechE
Senior Teaching Fellows R.R. Bhardwa, BSc CNAA, MSc Warw 
E.C. Birch, BA CNAA, MBA Coventry
A.E.N. Buckley, BSc Birm, FCIPD
H.E. Buxton, BEng Sheff
K.J. Fielding, BSc Lond, MSc Warw, CertEd
I.R. Hughes, BSc Portsmouth, MBA Kingston
J.E. Keast, BSc Leeds, MSc Warw
A.J. Latham, BA CNAA, MA Lanc
M.J. Low, BSc Aberd, CEng, CITP, MBCS
M. Macintyre, BEng Glas, MSc Strath
S. Maggs, BEng, PhD Leeds
M.B. Malins, BSc Paisley
A.R. Marsh, BA Open, MSc Aston, CertEd, PGCE
H.G. Neal, BSc CNAA
E.J. Rushforth, BEng, PhD Lough 
T. Spencer, BA Sheff, MSc Warw
W.T. Taylor, Dip IMS, Dip IIM
A.P. Thomson, BSc, DMS City, DBA Staffs
J.S. Waller, BSc Leeds
A. Watt, BSc, MSc, PhD Birm, MBA Warw, ADP-Dip Brist
W.A. Wilson, BSc Lond, MSc Warw
B.C. Winter, BA Goldsmiths, MSc Wales, MBA Warw, PhD Lond
A.A. Young, BSc Kent, DipStats
Principal Research Fellow P.D. Hopkins, BEng C.England, MSc York, CEng, MIET
M.A. Williams, BEng Nott Trent, MSc, PhD UMIST, CEng, MIMechE
Senior Research Fellows A.N. Attridge, MEng, PhD Birm
T.A. Barnes, BEng Wolv, MSc, EngD Warw, MIET
R.E. Cain, BA, PhD Lough
G.J. Gibbons, BSc, PhD Warw
V. Goodship, BA, BSc Open, PhD Warw
L. Han BEng Dalian
Y.P. Huang, BEng Tianjin, MSc Shanghai, PhD Kent
A. McGordon, BSc, PhD Birm
I.T. Pearson, BSc Birm, MIMecheE
M.W. Pharoah, BSc, PhD Liv
N.C. Reynolds, BSc Wales
A. Singh, BEng E.Anglia
P.K.C. Wood, BSc, PhD Aston
Research Fellows M. Auty, BA Oxf
A. Artusi, BSc MSc Milan, PhD Vienna
S.G. Badiyani, BEng Mumbai, MSc Nott Trent
J. V. Black, BSc Lond, MSc Coventry, PhD Lond
N.J. Blundell, BEng Coventry
S.R. Coles, BSc Wales, PhD Warw
S.D. Giudice, BEng De Mont
A.L. Grove, BSc Aston, MSc Coventry
J.P. Hancocks, MSc CNAA, CPhys, MInstP
L. Humphries, BSc Nott
P. Ledda, BEng Brad, MSC, PhD Brist
E. Ogur, MSc Warw
M. Pitts, MEng Southampton
H. Raja, BEng Mumbai
T.H.A. Shaik, BEng Osmania, MSc Sund, PhD De Mont
E. Sikudova, MA, PhD Slovakia
S. Thanagasundram, BEng Singapore, MSc PhD Leic
T. Wellings, BEng Birm, MA Lond
Research Assistants S. Arnab, BSc Manc, MSc Leeds
I.R. Dargue
H.G. Patel, BEng GCET
L. Shepherd, BA Warw
Knowledge Tranfer Partnership Associates S.D. Haberton, MEng Warw
R. Huss-Smickler, BSc, MSc Liv
Wellcome Research Fellow in Biomedical Science G. Czanner, MSc, MA, PhD
Premium Automotive R&D Programme M.L. Amor-Segan BSc Nott, MSc Oxf, MIET
G.J. Bottrell, BEng Wales, MSc Bath, MBA Aston, CEng, MIMecheE
G. Dhadyalla, MEng Imperial
R. Evans, BEng Nott, MSc Warw
S. Hazra, MEng, PhD Lond
R.D. Hewitt, BEng Wales, CEng, MIET
R. McMurran, BEng H-W, MSc Warw
H.L. Mossop, BSc Exe
M. Pitts, MEng S’ton
C. Schley, Dipl-Ing Stutt
D.K. Williams, BSc St And, MSc Cran, CChem, MRSC
G. Williams, BSc, PhD Wales,CEng, MIMMM
C.J. Woodcock, MSc Warw
National Business to Business Centre R. Abdulmughne, MSc Nott
M.G. Bonnett, BSc, MSc Coventry
M.R. King-Turner, MA Camb
S.C. Orriss, BSc Kent
J.J. Pennington, BSc Wolv
Health Tech C.R. Davis, BSc Warw, CEng, MIET
M. Bull, BA(Hons) Warw
West Midlands Collaborative Commerce Marketplace T. Ahmed, BEng, MSc Warw
N. Armoutis, MEng Crete, MSc Warw
M.J. Brown, BSc Birm
J.L. Curtis, BA Sus, MIEEE
R.D. McGonigle, BSc UMIST
G. Melrose, BSc Manc, MIET
Director of Administration (Operations & HR) J. Coleman, MA Camb, PGDip, MCIPD
Director of Administation (Academic) D.R. Mullins, BSc N’cle
Director of Administration (Finance) G.W. Kershaw, BSc Warw, PGCE, ACA, ATII
Director of Development M.I. Pickering BSc Aston, CEng, MIET
Director, Postgraduate Recruitment W. Szybiak, MSc Warw
Programme Manager, Professional Programmes P.W. Bulter, BSc Bath, MSc Wolv, CEng, FIMecheE
Programme Manager N. Stockton, BEng Cran, CEng, MRAeS
Research Manager - Warwick Innovative Manufacturing Centre N.M. Mallinson, BSc, PhD Lond, MBA Open, CEng, MIET
Business Development Manager - Warwick Digital Laboratory G.J. Edwards, BSc Staffs
Head of SME Programmes M.P. Swift, BEng Leeds, MSc Warw
Executive Communications Co-ordinator Z. Howard, BA C.Lanc
Computer Systems Manager M.S. Hundal, BSc CNAA
Finance Manager N.J. Contant, ACMA
Administrative Officers

L.J. Blount BSc Cov
C.D. England
S.M. Fox
N.J.K. Gardner
W.L. Hill
P.H. Lever, BSc Wales, MPhil Warw
R.J. Moffatt
R.C. Reynolds, BEng CNAA
N. Sandhu, BSc(Hons) Nott Trent
G.J. Taylor, MPhys Warw
B.S. Turner

Secretary, Director’s Office M. Black

Staff serving the whole of the School of Engineering

Senior Administrative Officer P.R. Mercer, BSc UMIST, MSc Lough, CEng
Safety Officer S. Al-Khalifa, BSc Baghdad, MSc Aston, PhD Warw
Administrative Officers R.A. Corke, BA Wales
T.M. Vygus, BSc Aston
Computer Manager A.J. Hulme, BSc Wales
Computer Programmers L.C. Burrow, BSc S’ton (Part-time)
C.A. Stoneman, BSc Warw (Part-time)
IT Teaching Support Officer M.A. Hewson
Secretary to the Dean of School M.S. Bradley

Department of Mathematics

Professors D. Barkley, BS CathUniAm, MA, PhD Texas
B. H. Bowditch, BA Camb, PhD Warw
N.J. Burroughs, BA, PhD Camb (Systems Biology Centre)
J. E. Cremona, BA, DPhil Oxf
C. M. Elliott, BSc Birm, MSc, DPhil Oxf
G. Friesecke, Diplom Bonn, MSc, PhD H-W
D.F. Holt, BA, MSc, DPhil Oxf
C.K.R.T. Jones BA em>Brist, MA New Mex, PhD Wisc-Madison
J.D.S. Jones, BSc Manc, MSc, DPhil Oxf
M. Keeling, BSc Camb, PhD Warw
R. Kerr, BA, MSc Chicago, PhD Cornell
R. Kotecky, RNDr. CSc Charles Uni Prague
R. MacKay, BA Camb, PhD Princ, FRS
V. Markovic, MS, PhD Belgrade
D.M.Q. Mond, BA Oxf, MA Col, PhD Liv
S.V. Nazarenko, MS MPTI, PhD Landau Inst
N.M. O’Connell, BA, MSc Trinity Dublin, MA, PhD Berkeley
M. Pollicott, BSc, MSc, PhD Warw
D. Priess, RNDr, CSc Charles Uni Prague, FRS
J.H. Rawnsley, BA, DPhil Oxf
M.A. Reid, BA, PhD Camb, FRS
C.P. Rourke, MA, PhD Camb
C.M. Series, MA Oxf, AM, PhD Harv
C. Sparrow, BSc, PhD Camb (Head)
I.N. Stewart, BA Camb, PhD Warw, FRS
A. Stuart, BSc Brist, DPhil Oxf
S. van Strien, MSc Groningen, PhD Utrecht & Warw
EPSRC Senior Research Fellow D.A. Rand, BSc, PhD S'ton (Systems Biology Centre)
Honorary Professors J. Cohen, BSc, PhD Hull, DSc Birm
C. Earle, BA Swarthmore, MA, PhD Harv
J. Gray, MSc, PhD Warw
Y. Maeda, PhD Tsukuba, Japan
L. Markus, BS, MS Chicago, PhD Harv
(Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota)
A.C. Newell, BA Trinity Dublin, MSc, PhD MIT USA
Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, KBE, FRS, HonDSc Warw
Sir Christopher Zeeman, MA, PhD Camb, HonDSc Warw, FRS
Associate Professors (Readers) V. Gelfreich, PhD St. Petersburg
O. Kozlovski, MS Moscow, PhD Amsterdam
A.K. Manning, MA Camb, PhD Warw
M.J. Micallef, BSc Sus, MS, PhD New York
D. Rumynin, BSc, MSc Novosibirsk, PhD Mass
R. Tribe, BA Camb, PhD Brit Col
O. Zaboronski, MS Moscow, PhD Davis
Associate Professors C. Baesens, MSc, PhD Brussels
I.N. Capdeboscq, PhD OSU
A. Epstein, AB, AM Harv, PhD CUNY
M. Kirkilionis, Diploma, PhD Heidelberg
D. Krammer, PhD Utrecht
X-M. Li, MSc, PhD Warw
D. Maclagan, BSc, Cant, PhD Berkeley
J.A. Moody, AB Princ, PhD Col
J.L. Rodrigo, BSc Madrid, MSc, PhD Princetown
F. Theil, Diplom Marburg, Summa cum laude Hanover
D. Ueltschi Dip and PhD Lausanne
H. van de Berg, MSc, PhD Amsterdam
Assistant Professors S. Adams, Dipl Phys Gottingen , Dipl Maths, Hagen , PhD Munich
S. Friedl, MA, PhD Brandeis
S. Grosskinsky, MA (Phys) Stonybrook, PhD Munich
B. Lemmens, MSc Cum Laude , PhD Amsterdam (Temporary)
S. Schleimer, BA, PhD Berkeley
Research Council UK Academic Fellow C. Connaughton, BA, MSc Trin Coll Dublin, PhD Warw
Director of Undergraduate Studies D. Wood, BSc, MSc, PhD Warw
EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship V. Betz, PhD Munchen
M. Hairer, BSc, MSc, PhD Geneva
EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship W.B. Hart, PhD Macquarie
EPSRC Leadership Fellows J. Robinson, BA, PhD Camb
S. Siksek, BA Oxf, PhD Exe
EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Y. Bazlov, MSc St Petersburg, PhD Weizmann Inst
Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award P. Topping, BA Camb, MSc, PhD Warw
Research Fellows P. Allen, BA Part III Camb, PhD LSE
M. Bustamante, PhD Chile
E. Cabezas Rivas, BSc, Adv Studies Dip Valencia
L. Danon, MSc (Phys) Imperial, PhD Barcelona
M. Dashti, MSc Warw, PhD Warw
J. Enders, MS, PhD Michigan
E. George, BA Guelph, MA Penn, PhD Stony Brook
B. Goddard MMath Warw
R. Marangell, BA in Maths, Magne Cum Laude, PhD uni of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
I. Morris, MMath Warw, PhD Manc
F.A. Schwartz, M. Engr Chile, PhD Cornell
B. Stinner, Dipl. Bonn, PhD Regensburg
G. Tinaglia, Laurea in Maths Bologna, PhD John Hopkins Uni
J. Voss MSc Kaiserlautern
B. Wu, BSc JiangXi, PhD Beijing
Administrator N. Patel, PhD Leeds
Secretary G. Copeland

Mathematics Research Centre

Director Professor M. Reid, FRS (Department of Mathematics)

NHS Centre for Involvement

Interim Chief Executive Professor S. Hodgetts (seconded from Institute of Healthcare Management
Special Advisor on PPI Professor J.Q. Tritter, BA Chicago, DPhil Oxf

Management Team

Communications Director I. Brittain, MCIPR, CMS, DipPR, DipPM
Operations Manager S. Sparks, BSocSc (SW) Natal, RSA, PDM (HR) Wits, RSA
Director of Learning and Organisational Development
J. Taylor, BSC APU, PhD, MBA UEA, RGN, RHV, Dip Lond, Cent Ed Suffolk
Principle Research Fellow and Strategic Lead for Research S. Staniszewska, BSc, DPhil Oxf

Evidence For Practice Team

Principal Research Fellow of Evidence for Practice S. Herron-Marx, BA, PhD Liv J. Moores, DPSN CNAA, PGCAP Nott, RGN Northumberland
Research Fellow C.Mockford, BSc(Hons), MA
Associate Research Fellow H.R. Bayliss, BSc Birm, MA Liv J. Moores


Links Research Fellow P. Dorfman, BSc, PhD UWE
Associate Research Fellow P. Bagley, BA Worcester

Project Managers

Health Voluntary Sector Project Manager R. Hallett, BSc Brad
Organisational Development Project Manager
C.A. Lord, BA BJU (Bob Jones University, USA), MHSA MUSC (Medical University of S. Carolina)
PPIX Project Manager M. Thaxter, BSc Lanc, MSc UMIST
Interim People Bank Project and Learning Project Manager L. Nickle

Administrative Team

Communications Officer K.L. Brown, BA Winona State
Office Administrator J. Hall

Department of Physics

Professor of Semi-Conductor Physics E.H.C. Parker, BSc Lond, DPhil Sus
Professor of Theoretical Physics R.C. Ball, MA, PhD Camb, DSc Warw
Professor of Medical Physics A.J. Wilson, BSc Sus, PhD Sheff
Professors M.P. Allen, MA, DPhil Oxf, FInstP
S.C. Chapman, BSc, PhD Lond, ARCS, DIC, FInstP, CPhys, FRAS
M.J. Cooper, MA, PhD Camb, FInstP, CPhys (Head)
M.G. Dowsett, BSc Lond, PhD CNAA
P.F. Harrison, BSc Brist, PhD Lond
C.F. McConville, BSc Lanc, PhD Warw, FinstP, CPhys, FRAS, DSc Warw
D. McK. Paul, BSc St And, DPhil Sus
T. Marsh, MA, PhD Camb
V.M. Nakariakov, MSc Gorky, PhD IAP RAS, DSc Warw
M.E. Smith, BA Camb, PhD Warw
J.B. Staunton, BSc, PhD Brist
P.A. Thomas, BA, DPhil Oxf
D.P. Woodruff, BSc Brist, PhD, DSc Warw, FInstP, CPhys, FRS
Honorary Professors S.P. Collins, BSc S'ton, DPhil Sus
R.O. Dendy, BA, DPhil Oxf
M.J. Kearney, MA Oxf, PhD Warw, CEng, FIEE, CPhys, FinstP
Associate Professors (Readers) T.D. Arber, BSc, PhD Lond
J.M. Dixon, BSc, PhD, DSc Nott, FInstP, CPhys, FIMA, CMaths
S. Dixon, BSc Oxf, PhD Warw
D. Holland, MA, DPhil Oxf
M.R. Lees, BSc Warw, MA Boston, PhD Lond, DIC
M. Newton, BSc Warw, PhD Oxf, CPhys, DSc Warw
A. Peeters, PhD Eindhoven
R.A. Roemer, Vordiplom Berlin, PhD Utah, DSc Warw
J. Sloan, BSc Hull, PhD New York, PhD Cardiff
M.S. Turner, BSc S'ton, PhD Camb
Principal Research Fellow G. Balakrishnan, BSc, MSc Madr, PhD IIT
J. V. Hanna, BSc Griffith Aust, MSc Griffith Aust
Associate Professors

G.J. Barker, BSc, PhD Lond
G. Bell, MA Camb, PhD Warw, CPhys, MInstP
S. Boyd, BSc, PhD Sydney
S.P. Brown, BA, DPhil Oxf, MRSC
N.H. d'Ambrumenil, MA Camb, DrRerNat T.H. Darmstadt
J. Duffy, BSc, PhD Brist
D. Gericke, PhD Greifswald
T. Gershon, BA, MSc, PhD Camb
T.P.A Hase, BSc, PhD Durh
B. Hnat, MSc Warsaw, PhD Warw
D.R. Leadley, MA, DPhil Oxf, CPhys, MInstP
B. Mouzykantskii, BSc MoscowInstPhys&Tech, PhD Landau Inst
M. Nicodemi, Laurea Napoli
O. Petrenko, PhD Moscow
Y.A. Ramachers, Magna cum Laude, Heidelberg
J. Robinson, BSc, PhD S’ton, CChem
P. Wheatley, BSc, PhD Leic

Assistant Professors R.S. Edwards, MPhys, DPhil Oxf
B. Gaensicke, MSc Berlin, PhD Gottingen
A.J. Levan MPhys Leicester, PhD Leicester
D.T.H.Steeghs, Dip Astrophysics, MSc Utrecht, PhD St.Andrews
M.H. Szymanska, Magister Warsaw, PhD Camb
E. Verwichte, MSc Leuven, PhD St And
N.R. Wilson, MS Pennsylvania, PhD Warw
RCUK Fellow E. Somfai, Eotovos Hungary Dip Phys, PhD Michgan
EPSRC Fellow T.D. Veal, MPhys, PhD Warw
Senior Research Fellow R. Beanland, BSc Cov, PhD LPool
Principal Growth Scientist M. Myronov, MSc Kharkov, Ukraine, PhD Warw
Research Fellows J. Back, MSci, PhD Lond
G.J.J.Botha, BSc, MSc S. Africa, PhD Imperial
C.S. Brady, MPhys, PhD Warw
S. Burrows, BSc Leeds, PhD Warw (Part-time)
Y. Camenen, DEA en Physique Orsay, PhD Lausanne
P. Chelminiak, MSc, DPhil Mickiewicz Poland
C. Copperwheat, MSci Brist, PhD Lond
R. Day
A. Dobbie, MSci Brist, PhD Warw
A. Edmonds, BSc, PhD Warw
Y. Fan, BSc Warw
S. Felton, MSc, PhD Uppsala
D. Greenshields, BEng Plym
A. Grinenko, BSc, MSc, PhD Haifa Israel
W. Guttenfelder, MSEE, PhD Wisconsin
A. Hentz da Silva BSc, PhD Rio Grande
W.A. Hornsby, MSci, PhD Imperial
K. Kiyani, MSci Lond, PhD Edin
R.M. Kowalczyk, MSc, PhD Poznan
E. Krjukov, PhD Kazan, Russia
T. Latham, MSci, PhD Brist
D. Laurencin, Ag de Chim Dip, PhD Paris
T. Lerotholi, BSc, BSc (Chem) Lesotho, PhD Camb
D-Q. Liao, MS Shenyang, PhD Beijing
R.P. Litchfield, MPhys, DPhil Oxf
X-C. Liu, PhD Shanghai
G. Mohanty, BSc, MSc Utkal, PhD Mumbai
B. Morgan, MPhys, PhD Sheff
R. Morris, MSc, PhD Warw
K.J. Pike, BSc, PhD Warw
F.M. Poli, Laurea Rome, PhD Lausanne
M.D.G. Potter, MSc, PhD Durh
M. Prest, BSc Liv JM, PhD Warw
Y.B. Sherkunov, MSc, PhD Moscow
H. Smith MSc, PhD Chalmers
A.P. Snodin, MMath, PhD N'cle
D. Stewart, BSc Warw
J.K. Taylor, MSc St. And, PhD Keele
T van Doorsselaere, BSc ,MSc, PhD KULeuven
J. Vorberger, Dip Phys, PhD E-M-Arndt
T.D. Veal, MPhys, PhD Warw
D. Walker, MPhys, PhD Warw
S. Wells, MSc, PhD Camb
D. Williams, BSc Uni N Wales, MSc Newcastle, PhD Lond
Experimental Officers A.P. Howes, BSc Brist, PhD Warw
T.M. Naylor
D.F. Paul
Senior Administrative Officer M.J. Hadley, BSc, MSc, PhD Warw, MBA Open
Laboratory Services Manager R. Buckle
Personnel Administrator S. Beaufoy
Departmental Secretary A. Malek

Department of Psychology

Professors G.D.A. Brown, MA Oxf, DPhil Sus
G.V. Jones, MA, PhD Camb, MA, DPhil Oxf
K. Lamberts, BA, BSc, MSc, PhD Leuven
E.A. Maylor, BSc, PhD Durh
E.J. Robinson, BSc, PhD Lond (Head)
J. Tresilian, BSc Lond, PhD Edin
D. Wolke, Dipl-Psych Kiel, PhD Lond
Honorary Professor J. Boucher, BA Oxf, PhD Birm
Associate Professors (Readers) N. Stewart, BA Camb, PhD Warw
D.G. Watson, BSc, MSc, PhD Birm
Associate Professors J. Carroll, BA Oxf, PhD York
G. Dunbar, MA, PhD Edin
Z. Estes, BSc Texas, MA, PhD Princeton
F. MacCullum, BA Camb, MSc Lond
S. Mitra, AB Dartmouth, DPhil Connecticut
A. von Muhlenen, MSc Frieberg, PhD Bern, PD Munich
J.A. Pickering, BSc Edin, DPhil Sus
F. Schlaghecken, MA, DPhil Munich
M.R. Skinner, BSc Brist, PhD Nott
A. von Muhlenen, MSc Frieberg, PhD Bern, PD Munich
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer C.J. Mace, BSc, MD Lond, MRCPsych
Assistant Professor M. Kunar, BSc, PhD Birm
Research Fellows J. Adelman, BSc Liv, PhD Warw
A. Baker, MBioch Oxf, PhD Warw
K. Birak, BSc, MSc Liv, PhD Birm
K. Boulton, BSc Brunel
L. Buratto, BSc Sao Paulo, MSc Amst, PhD Warw
D. Guest, BSc, PhD Warw
W. Matthews, BA, PhD Camb
K. McColgan, BSc Lond, MSc Dundee, PhD Lond
S. Marquis, BSc Bath, MSc Lanc
J. Myers, BSc Warw
M. Samara, BSc Israel Ben-Guri, MSc Hertf, PhD Warw
M. Sapouna, LLB Thessaloniki, MPhil Camb, PhD Athens
C. Ungemach, Dipl-Psych Giessen, PhD Warw
J. Vousden, BSc Kings, PhD Warw
A. Wilson, BSc Otago, PhD Indiana
Computing Officer L. Wilson, BSc Salf, MSc Dund
Administrator M. Maisuria, BEd Camb
RCUK Fellow P. Martini, MA, PhD Harvard

Department of Statistics

Professors J.B. Copas, BSc, PhD Lond
D. Firth, BA Camb, PhD Lond
D. Hobson, PhD Camb
J.L. Hutton, BSc Edin, PhD Lond
S.D. Jacka, MA, PhD Camb (Head)
A.J. Lawrance, BSc, PhD Leic
G. O. Roberts, BA Oxf, PhD Warw
J.Q. Smith, BSc Nott, PhD Warw
M.F.J. Steel, MA, PhD Louvain
Associate Professors (Readers) V. Kolokoltsov, PhD Moscow
Associate Professors S. Assing, PhD Bielefeld
B.F. Finkenstädt, MA Georgia, PhD Berlin
J.E. Kennedy, BSc, MSc Sydney, PhD Camb
R.J. Reed, BSc Lond, PhD Durh
J.E.H. Shaw, BA Oxf, MSc Lond, PhD Nott
E. Thönnes, MSc Cork, PhD Warw
J. Warren, BA Camb, PhD Bath
Assistant Professors L. Alili, PhD Paris VI
J. Brettschneider, Dip Bonn, PhD Eindhoven
D. Croydon, BA Camb
A.M. Johansen, PhD Camb
S. Mukherjee, PhD York
A. Papavasiliou, BSc Thessaloniki, MSc, PhD Princeton
F. Rigat, MSc, PhD Pavia
S. Spano, PhD Pavia
N. Zygouras, PhD New York
Research Fellows X. Didelot, PhD Oxf
K. Hemming, BSc York, MSc, PhD Warw
I. Kosmidis, PhD Warw
K. Latuszynski, PhD Warsaw
C. Mazzetta, PhD Camb
N. Pillai, PhD Duke
Y. Pokern, PhD Warw
P. Thwaites, PhD Warw
H. Turner, BSc Rdg, PhD Exe
Departmental Administrator P. Matthews
Academic Administrator H. Cooper
Department Secretary E. Richards
Undergraduate Support Officer L. Demchuk
Postgraduate Support Officer J. Lloyd

Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology (CRiSM)

Director G. O. Roberts, BA Oxf, PhD Warw
Management Team D. Firth, BA Camb, PhD Lond
M.F.J. Steel, MA, PhD Louvain
Industry A.J. Lawrance, BSc, PhD Leic

Risk Initiative and Statistical Consultancy Unit

Director J. Fenlon, MSc Manc, PhD Birm
Chair J.Q. Smith, BSc Nott, PhD Warw
Research Fellow W. Zhang, PhD Salf

Warwick HRI

Director Professor S. Bright, MA, PhD Camb
Professors J. Beynon, BSc Wales, PhD E.Anglia
E. Holub, BSc, MSc, PhD Wisconsin
P. Mills BSc Bedford Coll, PhD, DIC Lond
R. Napier, BSc Reading, PhD Leic
D. Pink, BSc, PhD Birm
B. Thomas, BSc, PhD Wales
J. Whipps, BSc, PhD, DSc Sheff
Research Leaders S. Adams, BSc, PhD Reading, MIHort Inst of Hort
D. Astley, BSc CNAA, MSc, PhD Birm
D. Barbara, BSc, PhD Birm
G. Barker, BSc Aberd, PhD Liv
G. Bending, BSc Exe, PhD Sheff
V. Buchanan-Wollaston, BSc Birm, PhD E.Anglia
K. Burton, BSc Brist, MSc, PhD Lond
M. Challen, H(Tec) Cert Brighton, MIBiol Lond, PhD Cran
D. Chandler, BSc Nott, PhD Lond
R. Collier, BSc Brist, MSc Lond, PhD Birm
R. Edmondson, BSc CNAA, MSc Kent
B. Finch-Savage, BA York, PhD Reading
D. Fuller, BSc Wales, PhD Sydney
J. Hammond, BSc York, PhD Nott
P. Hand, BSc, PhD Aston
Y. Hong, BSc Sichuan, MSc Chinese Acad of Sci, PhD Beijing
S. Jackson, BSc E. Anglia, PhD Camb
R. Kennedy, BSc, MSc Belf, PhD Sydney
J. Lynn, BSc, PhD Warw
K. Manning, BSc Sur
A. Massiah BSc, PhD Warw
A. Mead, BSc Bath, MSc Reading
P. Neve, BSc, PhD Liv
R. Noble, BSc Reading, PhD Cran
C. Rahn, BSc, PhD Reading, MBA Warw
E. Ryabov, MSc, PhD Moscow
D. Skirvin, BSc York, PhD Nott
S. Sreenivasprasad, BSc, MSc, PhD Madras, India
A. Thompson, BSc Lond, PhD Durh
M. Tor, BSc Adana, MS, PhD Lond
J. Walsh, BSc, PhD Leeds
D. Winstanley, BSc Salf, PhD Manc
Associate Professors K. Denby, BSc, Brist, DPhil Oxf
Assistant Professors R. Allaby, BSc Lond, PhD Manc
P. Eastmond, BSc Reading, PhD E.Anglia
J. Gutierrez-Marcos, BSc, MSc, PhD Leon
H. Schaefer, MSc, PhD Bremen
Science Staff E. Adou, BA, MS Texas, PhD Virginia
R. Allen, BSc Birm, PhD Leic
C. Allender, BSc Lanc, MRes Warw, PhD S’t on
J. Andrews, PhD Lanc
K. Bailey, BSc Swansea
V. Cevik, BSc Akdeniz, MSc East Anglia, PhD Warw
J. Clarkson, BSc Leeds, PhD Nott
E. Clewes, BSc, PhD
M. Coates, BSc, PhD Warw
E. Coventry, BSc, PhD Aberd
K. Dehnen-Schmutz, BSc Bayreuth, MSc Bonn, PhD Berlin
D. Eastwood, BSc, PhD Liv
J. Fellows
S. Foottit, BSc, PhD Louisiana
J. Gronlund, MSc, PhD Aalborg
S. Hall, BSc Manc Met, PhD S’ton
E. Harrison, BSc Portsmouth, MSc Silsoe, PhD
S. Hilton, BSc E.Anglia, PhD Warw
N. Holton, BSc Otago, PhD Otago
P. Hunter, BSc Warw, PhD Birm
C. Jenner, BSc Leeds, MSc, PhD Lond
J. Jones, BSc, PhD Exe
G. Keane, BSc Maynooth, MSc Dublin
A. Kelly, PhD Potsdam
S. Lee, BSc, PhD
R. Lillywhite
S. McClement, NCA Moulton
M. McKee, BSc Wales, MSc Birm
J. Moore, BEng, MSc, PhD Warw
K. Morris, BSc Wolv, PhD Wales
S. Muthumeenakshi, MPhil Madras, PhD Belf
N. Myranova, MSc, PhD Kharkov
Z. Paniwynk, BSc Nott Trent, PhD De Mont
G. Perrella, PhD Naples
J. Pole, BSc Reading
G. Prince, PhD
A-L Quettier, BSc, PhD
R. Reader, BSc Coventry
A. Rehmany, BSc, PhD Birm
H. Robinson
C. Ryder, BSc Lanc
M. Sergeant, BSc, PhD Liv
J. Smith
J. Steinbrenner, PhD Konstanz
A. Tabrett, MiBiol West Coast Scotland Agri Coll
G. Teakle, BSc, PhD Brist
A. Tor, BSc, PhD Lond
V. Valdes Ruiz, Ingeniero Agronomo Chile, MSc California, PhD Birm
J. Vicente, BEng (Agronomy), PhD Lisbon
A. Wakeham, CBiol, MIBiol, IOB
P. Walley, BSc, MSc
M. Wheeler, BSc Birm, PhD Birm
K. Zhang, BSc, MSc, Zhejiang, PhD Edin
C. Zhang, PhD Abertay
Associate Fellows I. Burns, BSc, PhD Birm
K. Cockshull, BSc Lond, PhD Reading, FIHort
S. Finch, BSc Manc, PhD, DSc Birm
D. Greenwood CBE, FRS, BSc Liv, PhD, DSc Aberd, FRCS, FInstHort
A. Langton, BSc, PhD Hull, FIHort
H. Rowse
Director of Operations A. Higgins, BSc, MSc
Internal Communications Officer R. Ashfield
Human Resources Manager E. Harrison, MCIPD
IT Support Manager D. Hughes, HND S'ton Solent
Science Support Manager J. Dempsey, BSc Nott Trent
Maintenance Manager D. Trevethick, BEng Sheff
Management Accountant A. Worrall
Project Accountant J. Argyle
Commercial Manager
S. Hardy, PhD Warw

Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications

Director Prof. A. Czumaj (Department of Computer Science)

Fluid Dynamics Research Centre

Director Professor P.J. Thomas (School of Engineering)

High Field Magnet Centre

Director Professor M.E. Smith (Department of Physics)

Centre for Scientific Computing

Director Dr R.A. Roemer (Department of Physics)

Warwick Systems Biology Centre (WSB)

Co-directors Professor D. Rand (Mathematics)
Professor G. Koentges (Biological Sciences)
Professors J. Beynon (HRI)
N. Burroughs (Mathematics)
P. Thornalley (Warwick Medical School)
D. Wild, BA York, DPhil Oxf
Assistant Professors H. van den Berg (Mathematics)
T. Bretschneider, Dr rer nat Munich
K. Denby (HRI)
S. Ott, PhD Tokyo
N. Rabbani (Warwick Medical School)
M. Richardson, BA, DPhil Oxf
K. Vance, BSc, PhD Glas
Research Staff A. Antunes-Martins, BSc Porto, PhD Lond
L. Baxter, BSc Birm, PhD LPool
P. Brown, BSc, PhD Birm
M. Costa, BSc Porto, MSc Warw
M. Juarez, MSc CIDE, Mexico, PhD Valencia, Spain
V. Miloserdov, BSc, MSc, PhD Novosibirsk, MTD Eindhoven
R. Savage, MSc, PhD Camb
D. Woodcock, BSc, PhD Aston
X. Zhang, BSc, MSc, PhD Beijing