Recent Changes to the University Calendar
Revisions to Regulations 4 and 8.10
At its meeting held on 8 July 2009, the Council approved the following revisions to University Regulations:
Regulation 8.10 Governing the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB) and for the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci)
Regulation 4 (6) Promotion from Associate Professor to Associate Professor (Reader)
(Council paper C.71/08-09)
Regulation 15 Governing Higher Doctorates
Regulation 15 Governing Higher Doctorates has been updated to reflect the current fee approved by the Steering Committtee (SC.278/08-09).
Regulation 9.5 Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the degrees of MBChB
At its meeting held on 18 March 2009, the Council approved revisions to Regulation 9.5 to include the constitution of the MBChB Boards of Examiners previously contained in 8.10 as approved by the Council in July 2008. The references in 8.10 have been removed.
(Council paper C.55/08-09)