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1.7 The Senate and its Committees

The Senate

Membership 2011/12

Ex Officio Members


The Vice-Chancellor

Professor N Thrift

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Professor K Lamberts


Professor A Caesar
Professor S Croft
Professor M Finn
Professor T Jones

The Librarian


The Chairs of the Boards of the Faculties
Social Sciences

Professor S Swain
Professor P Winstanley
Professor P Thomas
Professor C Hughes

The holders of such other posts, including persons charged with the welfare of students, as the Senate may from time to time determine.


The Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies Professor J Labbe (2014)



Appointed Members


Twenty-four members of the academic staff, appointed by the Boards of the Faculties



Professor C Bates (2013)
Professor S Gilson (2014)
Professor S Hand (2012)
Professor N Hewlett (2014)
Dr N Holdsworth (2013)
Professor M Luddy (2014)


Professor J Davey (2012)
Professor N Johnson (2012)
Dr J Kidd (2014)
Professor N Stallard (2013)
Professor S Stewart-Brown (2012)


Professor R Ball (2014)
Professor A Czumaj (2013)
Professor S Jacka (2013)
Professor J McCarthy (2013)
Professor M Shipman (2013)
Professor C Sparrow (2013)

Social Sciences

Professor C Hughes (2013)
Professor G Lindsay (2014)
Professor A Muthoo (2012)
Professor A Norrie (2014)
Professor A Reeve (2014)
Professor M Taylor (2012)

Six members appointed by the Assembly of whom not more than two shall be Professors

Ms A Chambers (2014)
Professor C Dowson (2013)
Dr C Jenainati (2013)
Mr D Persaud (2013)
Dr D Roper (2013)
Mr S Williams (2014)

Student Members


The President of the Union of Students

Mr L Boe (2012)

Two registered students of the University elected by registered students of the University

Mr S Ruston (2012)
Mr P Krishnamurthy (2012)



(The year after a member’s name indicates that his or her term of office expires on 31 July of that year.)

Senate Committees