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Discipline Committee

Membership 2023/24

The Chair

A Pro-Vice Chancellor, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor or an appointed Chair as appointed by the Vice-Chancellor*

Three staff members appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and President

Dr Emma Francis (Arts)*

Professor Rachel Moseley (Arts)*

Dr Lydia Plath (Arts)*

Dr Elisabeth Blagrove (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Professor Simon Brake (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Nikola Chmel (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Dawn Collins (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Louise Dunford (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Gary Fowmes (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Professor Catherine Hale (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Professor Mike Joy (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Sophie Martucci (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

India Palmer (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Tim Sullivan (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Helen Ure (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Samantha Wilson-Thain (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Dr Dave Wood (Science, Engineering and Medicine)*

Professor Jane Bryan (Social Sciences)*

Tilly Harrison (Social Sciences)*

Dr Alex Karalis Isaac (Social Sciences)*

Dr Karen Simecek (Social Sciences)*

Rachel Cooper (Centre for Teacher Education)*

Dr Elena Riva (IATL)*

Karen Barker (Professional Services)*

Gareth Bennett (Professional Services)*

Jackie Clarke (Professional Services)*

Ruth Cooper (Professional Services)*

Chris Griffin (Professional Services)*

Marie Greene (Professional Services)*

Jane Miller (Professional Services)*

Geraldine Mills (Professional Services)*

Dan Pearson (Professional Services)*

Clive Singleton (Professional Services)*

Diana Stonefield (Professional Services)*

Roberta Wooldridge-Smith (Professional Services)*

Two Student Members - Normally Sabbatical Officers of the Students' Union, whose names shall be communicated to the Registrar by the President of the Students' Union on a case-by-case basis*.


*undertaken specialist training for cases of sexual misconduct


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