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Capital Space and Amenities Group (Disestablished)

On 20 March 2024 the University Estate and Environment Committee (UEEC) resolved to disestablish the Capital Space and Amenities Group (CSAG). CSAG would be revised to Space Management Committee (SMC).

This page currently remains live to provide an archive.

Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to SecretariatSecretariat
Jump down to MeetingsMeetings

Membership 2023/24

The Provost, or nominee (Chair)

Professor Emma Flynn

Two members of the Academic Staff (Deputy Chairs)
Professor David Haddleton
Professor Kate Seers
A Pro-Vice-Chancellor, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
Professor Lorenzo Frigerio

A Member of Professional Services Staff

Anna O’Neill

The Vice-Provosts and Chairs of the Boards of the Faculties or nominees:



Professor Rachel Moseley

Science, Engineering and Medicine

Professor Mike Ward

Social Sciences

Professor Nick Vaughan-Williams

The Academic Director (Graduate Studies)

Professor Daniel Branch

The Director of Estates

James Breckon

The Group Finance Director or nominee

Steve Wilkes

The Commercial Director

Chris Hunt

A representative of the Students’ Union, nominated by the President

Anna Taylor (2024)

In Attendance:

Chief Finance Officer (Estates)
Capital Programme Director (Estates)

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Terms of Reference

1. To ensure that space is available to support the activities of the University in alignment with the University Space Principles.

2. To promote good practice within the University in the use of space, the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of waste and pollutants in line with the University's Environmental Sustainability targets.

To approve:

3. Allocations of all non-residential building space in the University in accordance with the University Space Management Guidelines.

4. Changes to the proposed use of space including commissioning, decommissioning, repurposing and reconfiguring of space.

5. Initial statements of need for new non-residential buildings and capital redevelopments (RIBA Stage 0 to 1) subject to the granting of funding from FPC for this work.

To recommend to the University Estate and Environment Committee:

6. Revisions to the University Space Management Guidelines, Space Principles and other policy relating to the efficient allocation and provision of space.

7. Proposals for naming of buildings and rooms not agreed as donor assets, following consultation with relevant stakeholders and in line with the Policy on the Naming of University Buildings. The naming of buildings and rooms agreed as donor assets must first be approved in accordance with the Recognition of Gifts Policy before recommendation to the UEEC.

To recommend to the University Executive Board:

8. Revisions to sections of the Strategic Risk Register relating to space.

To receive:

9. Reports on the utilisation, availability and accessibility of non-residential University space, including reports from the Teaching and Learning Spaces Development Group and the Timetable Improvement Programme Steering Group.

10. Reports on procedures and practices from across the University relating to compliance with the University's environmental sustainability targets in line with the Environmental Sustainability Strategy.

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Reporting Structure

The Capital Space and Amenities Group is a sub-committee of the University Estate and Environment Committee and exercises delegated powers in respect of the annual allocation exercise.

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Scott Lloyd, Head of Space Management and Timetabling

Assistant Secretary: Nicola Hunt, Space Planning Manager (csag at warwick dot ac dot uk)

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Dates of meetings of the Capital Space and Amenities Group can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

The Committee Timetable is published and updated online and should be referred to when verifying arrangements throughout the academic year.

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