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Gender Taskforce

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Membership 2023/24

Sam Grierson (Co/Chair) Associate Professor, Warwick Foundation Studies

Jane Coleman (Co/Chair) Director of Delivery and Operations, Health Innovation

Lorraine Martin (Secretary), Social Inclusion

Dr Farzana Meru, Associate Professor – Reader, Physics

Sarah Bennett, Deputy Programme Manager, WBS

Dr Freeha Azmat, Associate Professor, WMG

Professor Johannes Boltze, Professor, Life Sciences

Dr Shaheen Charlwood, Senior Teaching Fellow, WMG

Jo Davies, Academic Support Manager, WBS

Dr Deborah Dean, Associate Professor, WBS

Lisa Hayes, HR Officer, Economics

Marie Kettell, Assurance, Risk and Property Team, Estates Office

Catherine McStay, Head of Compliance and Assurance

Dr Naomi Pullin, Associate Professor, History

Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Professor, Law

Athena Swan representation:

Professor Jo Collingwood, Engineering (Deputy Athena SAT Lead)

RTF representation:

Sam Parr, Rainbow TF Representative

Social Inclusion representation:

Andy Johnson, Social Inclusion - Gender

Student representation:

Emma Birch, Union Representative (full-time Officer)

Student resolution representation:

Helen Knee, Director of Student Discipline and Resolution

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Terms of Reference

The Gender Taskforce will champion and oversee the advancement, implementation and further development of gender equality at institutional level in line with the Gender Statement of Intent, which was updated in 2024 Gender Statement of Intent

The Gender Taskforce will be responsible for:

1. Developing a gender strategy and to take a multi-faceted approach to implementation, being mindful of existing initiatives in the University, including Athena Swan.

2. Research role within the GTF to look at activities in the Athena work and more broadly Gender Equality at Warwick.

3. Monitoring and reviewing gender data to identify areas of concern where action may be required to enhance gender equality and the working environment.

4. Consideration of issues of strategic and operational relevance, plan how best to address issues of concern and how best to optimise and disseminate current good practice.

5. Support the achievement of the University’s equality objectives, by raising awareness of gender equality and acting as a body of expertise on gender issues.

6. Regular reports to the Social Inclusion Committee, the Senior Executive Committee and other strategic University Committees on the work of the Gender Taskforce.

7. Gender Taskforce to produce public facing summary report following termly Social Inclusion Committee Meetings.

8. Chair ship to be held for three years, with the ability to renew once.

9. To engage with other taskforces which will enable to improve understanding around intersectional procedures.

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Reporting Structure

The Gender Taskforce reports to the Social Inclusion Committee.

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Secretary: Lorraine Martin (

If you have any items that you would like to be raised at a Gender Taskforce meeting, or are working on an initiative that might support the goals of the Taskforce, please complete this short form to contact the Gender Taskforce. By completing this form you can remain anonymous or provide your contact details if you wish to discuss this further with the Co/Chairs Jane Coleman & Sam Grierson

If you would like more information about the Gender Task Force and can't find what you need here please contact the Secretary, Lorraine Martin, on

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          The Gender Taskforce meets twice a term.

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