Policy Oversight Group
Terms of Reference
Reporting Structure
Restricted Area for Members of the Policy Oversight Group
Membership 2024/25
The Secretary to Council (Chair) |
Dr Chris Twine |
The Chief Information and Transformation Officer, or nominee |
Adrian Hope (nominee) |
The Commercial Director, or nominee |
Peter Hall (nominee) |
The Chair of Faculty of Arts, or nominee |
Professor Rachel Moseley |
The Chair of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine, or nominee |
Professor Mike Ward |
The Chair of the Faculty of Social Science, or nominee |
Professor James Hayton |
The Director of HR, or nominee |
Geraldine Mills |
The Estates Director, or nominee |
Duncan Stiles (nominee) |
The Academic Registrar, or nominee |
Adam Child |
The Finance Director, or nominee |
Philippa Glover (nominee) |
The Director of Social Inclusion, or nominee |
Kulbir Shergill |
The Director of Research Impact Services, or nominee |
Dr Navdeep Bains |
The Director of Health and Safety, or nominee |
John Phillips |
The Head of Governance Services |
Katharine Gray |
The Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding, or nominee | Andy Smith |
The Director of Student Conduct and Resolution, or nominee | Helen Knee |
The Head of Compliance and Assurance |
Kirsty Jenkins, Catherine McStay (job share) |
One student representative nominated by the Students’ Union |
Enaya Nihal (2025) |
Chair of the Academic Freedom Review Committee (AFRC) |
Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper (2028) |
The Employee Relations and Policy Manager |
Julia Strong |
The Director of Legal and Compliance Services, or nominee |
Rachel Gower |
(The year after a member's name indicates that their term of office normally expires on 31 July of that year.)
To have strategic oversight, on behalf of the University Executive Board, of the University’s policies. The Policy Oversight Group will undertake consultation and ensure that each policy conforms to the University’s Policy Framework, complies with internal regulations and external legislation, and fulfils relevant compliance training and monitoring.
Terms of Reference
To approve:
1) Revisions to all existing University policies ensuring they: conform to the University’s Policy Framework; are consistent; do not impact, duplicate or conflict with, internal regulations and external legislation; and that relevant consultation and review of content has been undertaken.
To recommend to UEB:
2) Consider and make recommendations on all new policies to ensure they: conform to the University’s Policy Framework; are consistent; do not impact, duplicate or conflict with, internal regulations and external legislation; and that relevant consultation and review of content has been undertaken.
3) Review, in consultation with relevant committees, the Compliance and Assurance team, and more widely, any compliance training, monitoring or recording required as part of policy implementation.
4) Review and develop the University’s Policy Framework on an annual basis.
5) Consider and recommend the annual audit of University policies, including any compliance monitoring requirement, to ensure the policies remain appropriate.
To receive from relevant committees (e.g. University Health & Safety Executive Committee, University Information Management Executive Committee, People Committee, this list is not exhaustive):
6) Proposals for revisions to policies for approval by this Committee before publication.
7) Proposals for compliance training, monitoring and recording.
Reporting Structure
The Policy Oversight Group reports to the University Executive Board.
Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.
Secretary: Emma Tew, Assistant Registrar
Assistant Secretary: Angela Gibson, Administrative Officer
Correspondence should be sent to policyoversightgroup@warwick.ac.uk.
The timetable for submission of reports to the Policy Oversight Group is available here.
A completed report and coversheet should be submitted electronically as a Word document to policyoversightgroup@warwick.ac.uk
Templates for reports should be requested from the email above.
If amendments to an existing policy or a new policy is being submitted, please ensure you complete the policy coversheet template.Link opens in a new window
The Secretariat will confirm when the paper has been approved, note any amendments required and confirm the paper number.
Dates of meetings of the Policy Oversight Group can be found within the University Committee Timetable.