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How to claim relocation expenses


The process for claiming relocation expenses is as follows:

a) When an offer of employment is made, the University HR Department will normally provide eligible employees with a copy of the relocation policy and Approval Form R1 with the appointment letter.

b) The employee is advised to contact their Department's HR Business Partner to discuss eligibility and proposed arrangements.

c) If eligible, the employee should complete Approval Form R1 (Word Document) which should then be authorised by the Head of Department or other authorised officer, before being submitted to Expenses at warwick dot ac dot uk. Please do NOT send directly to Expenses before your form has been signed within your department.

d) When expenses have been incurred, Claim Form R2 (Excel document) should be completed and signed by the employee. Receipts and quotations should be attached to the claim form before being passed to the Head of Department (or nominated representative) for signature and insertion of the relevant cost code(s). Please do NOT send directly to Expenses before your form has been signed and coded within your department.

e) Employees eligible to claim removal expenses are required to obtain two written quotations for the removal of household goods from the old to the new areas. Reimbursement will be on the basis of the cheaper of the two quotations.

f) It is a condition of receiving relocation expenses that an employee has an intention to relocate to this area – either permanently, or for the duration of a fixed term contract. The University expects staff to have relocated, or have made significant progress towards relocating within 12 months of taking up the post.

g) Where relocation does not take place within 12 months of taking up the post, the University may, depending on the circumstances, extend this period providing it remains satisfied that the employee is making every effort to relocate and that the delay is due to circumstances beyond their control.

For the purpose of determining whether staff meet the mileage criteria, the distance is measured using 'A.A. Autoroute' and is the shortest practical distance by road between the relevant postcodes.

HMRC requires employees to move by the end of the tax year following that in which they take up their posts in order to receive eligible expenses tax free. Where this condition is not satisfied and subject to paragraph (f) above, expenses paid will be subject to deductions for income tax and national insurance.