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Salaries Payroll

Paid on the 24th of each month, or the Friday before if the 24th falls on a weekend or bank holiday. Approximately 7,000 staff are paid each month.

New Starters
New employees will be sent a personal record form and information about pensions with their offer of appointment. ( Also see Border Agency link)The new employee should give their completed personal record form and P45 to their department who will then submit all the paperwork to HR.

The period of notice required by an employee who wishes to leave the employment of the University is indicated in the appropriate Terms and Conditions of Service.

  • P45 and Final Payslip
    Once a P45 has been sent out, HMRC regulations prevent a duplicate being issued.
    Individuals may collect their P45 from the Payroll Office but must contact the Office beforehand, and as soon as they know they are leaving, to arrange this.
    Otherwise, the P45 will be sent to your home address on, or shortly after, payday. Therefore if your address is to change on leaving the University, you must update SuccessFactors with your new address prior to your line manager processing you as a leaver.

You can opt for deductions from your salary for:

Give as You Earn

plus Union & Healthcare subscriptions

You can also opt for a salary sacrifice scheme for:

Childcare Vouchers

Cycle to work Vouchers

We have links whereby you can purchase bus and train tickets directly from the provider:

Annual bus & train tickets