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Virtual Learning Environment

Access to resources and activities simplified
A great way to extend your classroom online
A single online location for students to access your modules activities and resources. Build a space to suit the structure of your course.


  • All modules in one location with notifications of upcoming assessments and activities
  • Clear and consistent module structure
  • Automated management of students and contributors
  • Students can track their progress, monitor achievements and grades
  • Individual spaces for all modules easily accessed via a single platform

VLE module spaces at Warwick with Moodle

Moodle is an open source learning management system with a large community of practitioners. At Warwick, Moodle has various custom elements and plugins to support a broad scope of teaching practices. To find out more about using Moodle and get support using it to enhance your teaching explore our Moodle specific guides and recipes.

Benefits of using Moodle module spaces

  • Registered students have immediate access to your space
  • Templates make it easy to get started importing and arranging content
  • Control of access to sections, resources and activities, limit access by groups or individuals
  • Automate access based on date, completion of previous activity or achieving a set grade
  • Organise students in to groups for group activities, access and marking
  • Track student progress and identify areas of difficulty
  • Get a head start on the new term with automated yearly rollover of content
  • Integration of Lecture Capture, Reading Lists and Student Module Feedback
VLE Accessibility Statement
VLE Effective Practice Guidance