What do I do when I exceed my H: drive quota?
Automatic H: drive quota management
All user accounts have an allocated amount of storage space for personal files. This is the H: drive on a university managed workstation. All staff and students have an initial H: drive quota size of 1GB.
Your H: drive will be checked each morning and, if nearly full, the quota will automatically be increased by 1GB (up to a maximum of 20GB). You will receive an email will let you know this has happened.
Quota increase on request
Your quota can be increased on request, without charge, in 1GB increments up to its maximum of 20GB.
You can use this link to request more space. If you need an increase of more than 1GB, please contact the Service Desk directly.
Before requesting an increase you should first remove unwanted files or personal files such as music or photos.