Can resource accounts be created?
A. Yes, resource or role based accounts can be created.
Resource accounts are generally set up:
- to allow multiple people to access an email account where emails are to be stored centrally.
- so that meeting rooms can have their own calendars which can be accessed by many people.
- to be the port for communication about a regular event, activity or role.
Each Resource has its own mailbox and a designated 'owner'. As the owner (or administrator) of a Resource, you are able to give other users access and read or write capabilities, to emails, appointments, contacts and folders. Therefore a resource account can be managed by one or more people as appropriate and the account can easily be re-assigned to another person if there are staff or role changes.
If used for a regular event/activity, this also means that changes to literature/marketing material, sending out change of contact details and general worries about incoming emails that cannot be picked up by someone else are all avoided.
How do I request a resource account?
There is a self-service request called Resource account request
The following information is required:
Who will be the primary owner of the resource (this should be a permanent member of staff at the University). It is possible to nominate a secondary owner (typically this would be the main administrator of the account) if you wish to have another person to have authorisation to make changes to the resource account (e.g. reset password etc).
A list of names and usernames of those who will need Send As permissions (to send emails as directly from the resource rather than 'on behalf of').
A proposed email address which cannot be more than 20 characters preceding Email addresses should not contain dashes or underscores. A full stop can be used as a spacer i.e.
Expiry date of resource.
See the FAQ about opening/accessing a resource account which gives instructions for owners once a resource account has been created. It also includes how other people with delegate access can open the resource account.