Office 365 Newsfeed
The Newsfeed section of Office 365 gives you a place where you can post your ideas and news, read what other members of staff have posted, leave comments, and follow any other member of staff whose posts you'd like to keep track of.
How to access the Newsfeed
To get to the news feed, go to, click the apps menu icon in the top left of the screen, then click "Newsfeed". By default you'll land on the "Following" section, which only shows posts from people you're following (even if that's no one), but if you click the "Everyone" link, you should be able to see all posts made by Warwick staff.
To post something yourself, just type your message into the box at the top and click "Post".
Acceptable use
The regulations governing the use of University Computing Facilities apply, of course. Since this service is open to anyone who uses Office 365 at Warwick, you shouldn't say anything on here that you wouldn't say in the normal course of work.
More info
For more information on the Newsfeed, visit the Microsoft Office website.