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Job vacancy and scholarship advertisements

Service description

This service is in two major parts, both of which are provided by Human Resources with support from IT Services. The first part enables Human Resources staff to securely and appropriately load on-line advertisements for job vacancies (together with appropriate further particulars), that occur within the University of Warwick, and for scholarships which have been secured by the University of Warwick, onto the web. The second part enables job-seekers and/or potential research postgraduate students, worldwide, to easily view and examine these on-line advertisements.

List of standard requests

Any questions relating to (on-line or otherwise) advertisements for job vacancies should be directed to the Recruitment Section of Human Resources. Any questions relating to on-line advertisements for scholarships should be directed to the Postgraduate Admissions Office.


The first part of the service is available, to Human Resources staff, only during University of Warwick office hours (i.e. not weekends, not at night, not public or bank holidays in England, and not University of Warwick customary holidays). The second part of the service is available 24/7. Both parts of this business critical service are deliberately extremely rugged in design and construction, requiring no downtime, but the availability of either part naturally does not withstand non-availability of underlying systems.


This service is free at the point of use.

Useful links:

View job vacancy advertisements