Tabula is a tool to support the administration of teaching and learning in academic departments. It helps academic and administrative staff manage student information such as personal profiles, seminar allocation, personal tutor/supervisor allocations and meetings, attendance recording and marks management.
How does it fit with other systems?
Tabula integrates with SITS, departmental data sources, My Warwick, SiteBuilder and Moodle. It pulls data in from central systems and departments, allow you to manage that data and then enable you to access it at the correct time, in the format that you need. Students also use Tabula, to upload assignments, for example.
How is Tabula developed?
We are using the same 'agile development' approach to building the Tabula system that we have used for our other services, such as SiteBuilder. This approach is based on small developments released in frequent iterations so please don’t expect to see a fully-fledged, feature-rich system at first. In essence, we’ll start small and build up. But progress will be speedy; those of you familiar with SiteBuilder and Assignment Management will know that we can do several updates a month, each with new features or small improvements. We use this type of approach because it allows us to be flexible and respond to change. We don’t need to wait for a full set of requirements before we begin and we can collaborate with you over ideas and priorities while we work on the new system. We have already begun working on four components: student profiles, coursework management, small group teaching management and attendance recording.
Do we have to use it?
No. You will be able to pick and choose the elements of Tabula that you would like to use. If you already have an excellent existing process for marks management, for example, then just ‘switch it off’ in Tabula. If you’d like to use Tabula solely for attendance recording then feel free.
How is it managed?
The University is keenly interested in the development of Tabula and so there is a steering group, consisting of PVCs and academics, to oversee the strategic direction of the project. There is also a user group, made up of different people at different times, to help us flesh out the details of specific parts of the system.
How can I get involved?
If you’d like to be actively involved, you are welcome to attend any or all of our user group meetings, and help us to prioritise work, identify new ideas and flesh out details. You can also keep up to date with the project through discussions on the noticeboard and release notes.
Short guides
Training from SIS Team