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Tabula release notes

Tabula 2024.6.2 released

We released Tabula version 2024.6.2 on Friday 28th June 2024. Changes in this update include:

  • Students will no longer see a message that no decision has been taken before marks are released.
  • We've clarified the text for mitigating circumstances notifications to better communicate a claim's status or next steps.
  • The Email these students button on the Personal Tutees screen now only adds email addresses for students who've been selected in the list.
  • Exam grids: Users should no longer receive an error when generating a grid if they choose the Borderline consideration option and students had previously completed a year abroad with a year weighting of 0%.
  • Record outcomes: Board recommendations no longer show all assessment names when the Other option is selected.
Mon 01 Jul 2024, 16:49

Tabula 2024.6.1 released

We released Tabula version 2024.6.1 on Thursday 13th June, 2024. Changes in this update include:

  • Students can no longer attempt to submit mitigating circumstances claims if no Mitigating Circumstances Officer has been assigned for their department.
  • The spreadsheet template for markers now downloads without an error.
  • If borderline consideration cannot be calculated, Tabula now displays an error message detailing why.
  • Record outcomes: PIT codes related to Force Majeure in 2022/23 have been removed from the list of available outcomes for departments to select.
Mon 17 Jun 2024, 09:43

Tabula 2024.5.2 released

We released Tabula version 2024.5.2 on Thursday 30th May 2024. Changes in this update include:

  • Generating a report of missed monitoring points for WMG students no longer causes an error.
  • Exam deferrals can once again be approved without causing an error.
  • Department admins can now view a breakdown of borderline consideration information for undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students via exam grids.
  • When generating resits, users can now select passed module components to include in the module mark calculation after a resit. Note that the Carry Forward Components option must first be enabled in department settings.
Fri 31 May 2024, 15:03

Tabula 2024.5.1 released

We released Tabula version 2024.5.1 on Wednesday 24th May 2024. Changes in this version include:

  • The summary page displayed when generating resits now displays the correct component weighting.
  • Marks Management: It is no longer possible to upload assignments to SITS if a mark has been entered along with a grade of PM.
Tue 28 May 2024, 08:21

Tabula 2024.2.2 released

We released Tabula version 2024.4.2 on Thursday 9th May 2024. Changes in this version include:

  • Exam grids: Department admins and User Access Managers can now choose to display passed CATS by FHEQ level.
  • Some changes to undergraduate progression rules based on input from EPQ.
Wed 15 May 2024, 10:49

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