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Code of conduct for computer work areas

The Code is issued by the Information Technology Policy Committee in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Use of University Computing Facilities.

  1. Users shall comply with the Regulations Governing the Use of University Computing Facilities.
  2. Consumption of food and drink, and smoking, are not permitted in computer work areas.
  3. Users should make use of only one computer at a time in the computer work areas.
  4. Users must not leave a computer which they have logged on to unattended in computer work areas.
  5. Users must not attempt to open, move, disconnect or in any other way tamper with any IT equipment in the computer work areas.
  6. Users must not attempt to connect any items of equipment to a computer, printer or network connection in the work areas.
  7. Users should co-operate in keeping the work areas tidy and litter free.
  8. Users of work areas should keep noise to a minimum.
  9. Users will not use the equipment found in the work areas to access or replicate pornography or other sexually orientated material.
  10. Users will not use the equipment found in the work areas to play games or use IRCs (‘chat’ programmes) at any time.
  11. Users of work areas must show their University ID card to IT Services staff or security staff when asked to do so.

The Director of IT Services is empowered to withdraw user privileges for offences against this Code. Serious offences against the Code will be dealt with under the University’s disciplinary procedures. Penalties include withdrawal of user privileges, fines, or, for the most serious offences, exclusion from the University.

University regulations are contained within the University Calendar.