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URSS Step 1: Choose your project and find a supervisor

How to choose your project

Your research topic can be an area you are interested in. It doesn’t have to be related to your degree programme or department. You can come up with your own topic, or you can find out if there are any on-going research projects you could get involved with.

The URSS is interdisciplinary. You can choose to do it in a different department from your home department. You could have a supervisor from a different department too, or even have two supervisors from different departments.

The Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) run sessions on Interdisciplinary Academic Writing, Ethics Application Support and Interdisciplinary Methods.

IATL news and training/skills sessions

 Browse previous URSS projects in our digital showcaseLink opens in a new window

Don’t forget you can also do your URSS project in another country


Key dates

  • URSS bursaries will be reflected in your bank account on Friday 17 May, if your application has been successful. Please ensure your bank details have been uploaded to evision to avoid any delays.

  • URSS pre-project social event: Wednesday 22 May, 3-5pm at University House atrium
  • Project submission:
    Friday 25 October 2024

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Research project with public engagement elements

If you apply to do a research project, it should include some element of public engagement, which means communicating with the public (people outside universities and academia).

Your public engagement could happen alongside your project or take place after your research project has generated results.

Information, advice and examples about including public engagement in a research project

Public engagement project

Instead of doing a research project, you could do a full public engagement project.

The equivalent workload of undertaking a research project, these projects usually aim to engage with the public about the subject you are studying, or another topic being researched at Warwick.

Information, advice and examples about public engagement projects

How to find a supervisor

In order to apply, you will need to find a Warwick academic or post-doctoral researcher who is interested in your research topic and who is willing to act as your supervisor. The supervisor should be a subject specialist for your area of research. You will need to complete the online application together with your supervisor.

We advise that you start contacting academics once you have decided on a research topic. Look at departmental staff webpages to give you an idea of people's research interest and expertise. You could also let your personal tutor or careers advisor know that you are interested in taking part in the scheme.

Ask around in your department - email teaching staff to ask if they would consider acting as supervisor for your project.

Meet former URSS participants: come to the showcase event in November and talk to URSS participants and ask how they found their supervisor.

Checklist: Finding the right supervisor

  1. Think about how you want to present your project idea to a potential supervisor: Do you have a very clear idea of exactly what you want to research? Do you have a general theme in mind but would like some guidance from your supervisor on what your research questions should be?
  2. Look for supervisors who are interested in your area of research. You can check academic staff’s research interests and publications on departmental web pages, or you can talk to academic staff with whom you already have a good relationship, such as your personal tutor, to see if they can recommend someone.
  3. Meet your supervisor to discuss your project idea. It’s important that you have a good relationship with your supervisor and that you feel you can work with them. If, after an initial meeting, you don’t feel that a supervisor is a good fit it is OK to politely let them know and keep looking for someone else.
  4. Have an open conversation with your supervisor about how you would like to work with them and how they would like to work with you. This will help make sure your expectations are aligned and prevents issues later on.
  5. If you and the supervisor are happy to work together, get their agreement to complete the URSS application form with you and make them aware of the deadline.

Browse department staff profile pages to find a supervisor with the right research interests

Template email to approach your chosen supervisor

Travelling Abroad

Can I do my project overseas?

You can travel abroad if the trip is directly related to your research and the destination is considered safe, and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office have not issued any travel restrictions.

GOV.UK Foreign travel AdviceLink opens in a new window

You will be required to complete a Risk Assessment form before you travel.

Can I go to more than one destination?

It is possible to carry out your project in several destinations. All countries and cities you plan to visit should be listed on the application and the Risk Assessment form if your application is approved.

Do I have to spend the entire duration of the project overseas?

You do not have to spend the entire duration of the project overseas. You can choose to visit a country for part of the project, perhaps 3 weeks of an 8 week project.

Do I need travel insurance?

If you travel abroad for your URSS you will be covered by Warwick’s Travel Insurance policy.

Can I stay on campus over the summer?

On campus accommodation is available over the summer. For further information see Student Information Centre FAQ's Section 5 (