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Teresa Grant

Dr Teresa Grant is Associate Professor in Renaissance Theatre in English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick. She will talk about trying to have it all, work-related stress and what makes women suffer from impostor-syndrome.

Wed 31 Oct 2018, 16:44

Professor Louise Richardson

In November 2017, Warwick was delighted to welcome Professor Louise Richardson, Vice Chancellor of Oxford University, to an event co-hosted by The Women's Academic Network and Inspiring Women, in conversation with Provost Christine Ennew.

Wed 31 Oct 2018, 16:43

Who Cares?

Dr Claire Lucas, Discipline Degree Leader, School of Engineering
Dr Rebecca Cain, Associate Professor, WMG
Mary McGrath, Director of Fundraising, External Affairs
Anna Preston, Senior Careers Consultant

Wed 31 Oct 2018, 16:43

Viki Cooke

Take what you do seriously – but not yourself. That was the advice from Viki Cooke, Vice Chair of Council and Pro-Chancellor of the University, at the most recent Inspiring Women event in September.

Wed 31 Oct 2018, 16:41

Can we have it all?

The ‘Inspiring Women- can we have it all?’ event was another success attracting 100 attendees. It was chaired by Professor Pam Thomas, PVC, and our diverse range of speakers provided illuminating and entertaining presentations with some valuable considerations.

Wed 31 Oct 2018, 16:40

The Launch of Inspiring Women

Monday 18 May saw the launch of ‘Inspiring Women’- an initiative designed to inspire staff at Warwick through providing occasional events where high-level senior women tell their career stories.

Wed 31 Oct 2018, 16:38

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