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5-step anti-resolution action plan for change

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We're about making longer-term lifestyle changes with new habits that you actually love, rather than dread. Instead of trying to do it all and inevitably feeling like you're failing, why not create an action plan which will help you rather than set you back?

Here are our 5 top tips to create a successful action plan which will help you achieve your goal of making lifestyle changes for better health.

1. Leave the "all or nothing" mentality behind

The all or nothing way of thinking Link opens in a new windowis when you believe that unless you can do something 100% perfectly then it, or you, are a failure. For example, perhaps in trying to exercise regularly, you miss a day. You give yourself a hard time and think everything is derailed and off track. Sometimes this means giving up on the goal altogether.

Not only is this way of thinking unproductive, but it's also not any fun. We say, do just enough for you. It's not about perfection, it's about continuing to show up for yourself, creating healthy habits and doing what you love.

2. Be kinder to yourself

If you're just starting to get back into exercising after the holiday, or if this fitness world is all completely new to you, you're not going to be amazing at everything straight away. But that's not the point anyway.

The point is to find the thing that you love to do and something that you also look forward to. Remember that it's okay to be a beginner at something again.

3. Set achievable goals

Setting goals is an art. Too vague, and you don't know how to actually get there. Too strict, and you can get bogged down in the smallest details. It also doesn't help scrolling through "gymspiration" posts either, as they often lead to unrealistic expectations.

You may know about SMART targets at work or in school, but for some reason we can forget to apply that to our own fitness journeys sometimes. So, while thinking about your goals, remember to make them:

  • Specific: You can't focus on everything at once, choose one thing at a time.
  • Measurable: Will you work towards a new personal best or adding more weight on the bar?
  • Achievable: Plan for small doable increments, rather than trying to go from 0 - 100 push ups straight away.
  • Relevant: What do you actually want to achieve? Not what your friends/family think you should try, or what you see online. What excites you?
  • Timely: Decide for how long you're going to focus on this goal and how often you'll check in on your progress. Weekly? Monthly? There are no wrong answers. Do what works for you.

4. Long plan > quick fixes

With strict resolutions and people wanting to make changes quickly, it's not surprising that 40% of peopleLink opens in a new window have already broken their resolutions by mid-January.

But with consistent effort, and throwing away the notion of unrealistic resolutions that focus on quick drastic changes, you'll be able to achieve your goals and enjoy yourself too.

5. Buddy up!

You don't have to go it alone. Research showsLink opens in a new window that having an exercise partner increases exercise frequency. Plus, you can encourage each other, remind each other to show up, and have some fun along the way too.

Cheryl Culliford-Whyte

Cheryl Culliford-Whyte Content Contributor, Warwick Sport

Cheryl has interests in all kinds of fitness, keeping healthy and looking after your wellbeing. She enjoys hiking, lifting and healthy baking.


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