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How do I book a fitness class?

If you have an 'Inclusive' or ‘Tennis +’ membership you can book a fitness class up to 10 days in advance. If you have a ‘Gym and Swim’ or ‘Active Senior Off-Peak membership’ you can book a fitness class up to 7-days in advance.

To book a class, download our app from either the App StoreLink opens in a new window or Google Play StoreLink opens in a new window. Visit the ‘Make a booking’ section, select either ‘Instructor-led Class’ or ‘Virtual Fitness Class’, choose the session(s) you’d like to attend, then login to the app (if not already) to confirm your booking.

If you would rather not use the app, you can make your fitness class booking on our website by visiting our Fitness classes page, select Book an activityLink opens in a new window. Search for the class you would like to book in the ‘What are you looking to do’ box, select your preferred session and book. At this point, you will be asked to login if you already have an account with us.

How do I book a Rock Up and Play session?

App - Download the app from the App StoreLink opens in a new window or Google Play StoreLink opens in a new window(if not downloaded already), or open the app and visit the ‘Make a booking’ section, select ‘Rock Up and Play’ and choose the activity you’d like to book from the list. Here, you will be asked to login to your account if you have one, or create an account with us if not. You can book up to 3 days in advance. Rock Up and Play sessions are free to attend for University of Warwick staff and students. Sessions are at a cost for public users.

Website – To book a Rock Up and Play session via our website, take a look at the sessions available on our Rock Up and Play page, select ‘Book now’, search for the activity of interest in the ‘What are you looking to do’ section (enter ‘Rock up’ first to see the full selection of sessions available), then choose the session(s) you’d like to attend. You will then be asked to either confirm your booking (staff or student) or pay for your session (public).

If you require further information, you can email the team at who will get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I book a Tennis court?

If you have a 'Tennis +' membership you can book a tennis court up to 7 days in advance. If you have an ‘Inclusive’ membership you can book up to 2 days in advance free of charge.

  • For all other membership types or if you are a pay as you go member, you can book a tennis court up to 7 days in advance. There will be a fee for these advance bookings.

App - To book a tennis court, download the app from the App StoreLink opens in a new window or Google Play StoreLink opens in a new window(if not downloaded already), or open the app and visit the ‘Make a booking’ section, select ‘Book a space’, select ‘Indoor tennis’ or ‘Outdoor tennis’ and choose the court(s) you’d like to book.

Website – To book a tennis court, view our prices and opening times on our tennis page, then call the Tennis Centre on 024 7615 0690 to confirm your booking.

How do I book a student sports club session in the app?

Booking a student sports club session has never been easier! Sports club sessions are free to attend before 14 October, after which point you will need to purchase a Sports Club Pass before you can book a sports club session. Once you are up and running with your Sports Club Pass, it’s super easy to book onto a session, simply:

  • Download our ‘UoW Sport’ app from the App Store or Google Play Store
  • You can then log in to the app to book your club session each week
  • Click ‘Make a booking’
  • Then use our ‘Student Sports Club’ tile to search for all sports club sessions taking place that week
  • Select the session you are planning to attend
  • Click the ‘Book’ button to confirm your space

Easy as that!

Fitness class no-show policy:

What steps should I follow as a member booking a class?
  • Check Class availability via the app or online portal
  • Book your desired class
    • If there is no space on the class, you can choose to be added to the waiting list
  • On arrival at the Sports and Wellness Hub, you must tap your card on the access barriers at reception before heading into the class, and again on the card reader outside the respective studio, to confirm your attendance. If you do not register your attendance, a non-attendance charge will be added to your account as explained below
    • For Studio Cycle classes, the card must be tapped at the gym reception barriers
What steps should I follow as a ‘pay as you go’ user booking a class?
  • Check class availability via the app or online portal
  • Book and pay for your class
  • Upon arrival at the Sports and Wellness Hub, please check yourself into your class with the reception team before heading into the class
What should I do if I cannot attend?


  • If a member has booked a space on a class but can no longer attend then they should cancel their place via the app or online portal or at the Sports and Wellness Hub or Tennis Centre reception at least 2 hours before the class is due to start.

Pay as you go users

  • If you have booked a PAYG class and would like to cancel, please cancel via the app, online portal or at the Sports and Wellness Hub or Tennis Centre reception at least 2 hours before the class is due to start.
What happens if I do not attend a booked class?


  • Failing to attend and failure to register your cancellation will result in a charge of £5 to be applied to your account
  • If you cancel less than 2 hours before the class starts, this will result in a late cancellation charge of £3 being added to your account
  • While the charge is on your member account, you will be unable to enter the main barrier gates until the charge has been paid, and you will be charged ‘pay as you go’ rates for future bookings until the charge is cleared

Pay as you go users

  • Cancelling at least 2 hours before the class starts will result in a full refund
  • Cancelling less than 2 hours before the class starts will not result in any refund
When is the non-attendance charge in place from?

Non-attendance fees will be introduced from 10 February 2025 onwards.

Why has the non-attendance charge been introduced?

We are experiencing a high volume of no-shows across our fitness classes. We are acting on feedback from our customers, and common practice within the fitness industry.

How do I pay a non-attendance charge?

Customers can pay an outstanding account balance either via the app (by selecting the ‘My Account’ tile), online (‘Login’ on the homepage) or at the Sports and Wellness Hub or Tennis Centre reception.

What happens if I wish to dispute a non-attendance charge?

Customers can discuss non-attendance charges with our membership team via

If I have booked several classes on the same day, do I need to return to reception to swipe in?

Scanning at the Sports and Wellness Hub reception will register attendance for any activity taking place within 3 hours of the swiping time. Customers should still tap their card on the studio doors ahead of each class starting.

What happens if I have forgotten my card?

You can register your attendance by speaking to a member of our Front of House team at the Sports and Wellness Hub reception.

Opening times:

What are your opening times?

Our opening times are:

  • The Sports and Wellness Hub
    • Monday - Friday | 6.00am - 11.00pm
    • Saturday - Sunday | 7.00am - 8.00pm
  • The Tennis Centre
    • Monday - Friday | 7.00am - 10.00pm
    • Saturday - Sunday | 7.00am - 8.00pm
  • Westwood Games Hall
    • Monday - Friday | 7.00am - 10.00pm
    • Saturday - Sunday | 8.45am - 8.00pm
  • Bank Holidays
    • 7.00am - 8.00pm


Where can I see the swim timetable?

App - To view the swimming timetable, download the app from the App StoreLink opens in a new window or Google Play StoreLink opens in a new window(if not downloaded already), or open the app. To view the swim timetable, select ‘Swim Timetable’. The timetable is updated every Sunday.

Website You can view the swim timetableLink opens in a new window on our website. The timetable is updated every Sunday.


I want to come to the Climbing Centre for the first time, what do I need to do?

Everyone who visits the Climbing Centre must fill in a Climbing Registration Form and book a Climbing RegistrationLink opens in a new window (search ‘Climb Registration’ and select your preferred time > Select the day you would like to complete the registration > Select ‘Book Now’), even if you have climbed before.

Climbing Registrations are every two hours every day and bookable via the websiteLink opens in a new window or app.

Climbing Registrations include instruction for how to use bouldering walls and auto belays.

Top Rope Sign Offs can also be completed during your Climbing Registration if you are a competent climber.

Can my children come climbing?

Yes, anyone over the age of 5 can come climbing. However, all under 18s must be supervised by an adult unless they have completed an ‘Over 14s Junior Sign Off’.

An adult can supervise up to 2 children at the Centre as long as they have completed the Climbing Registration. The ratio is 1:2 (x1 18+ to x2 children) to visit the Climbing Centre, however the ratio is 1:1 when climbing. Children will need to alternate if there is only one adult present.

Whether you are climbing with your child or supervising, you need to complete the Climbing Under 18 Registration FormLink opens in a new window as the child’s parent or guardian.

Over 14 Junior Sign Offs permit anyone aged 14-18 to climb in the Centre without adult supervision. These sign offs are completed at the discretion of the staff and dependent on how much climbing experience the U18 has and their competence using all necessary equipment.

How do I book climbing sessions?

Climbing Registrations and climbing sessions can be booked via the websiteLink opens in a new window or app. You will need to log in or create a new Warwick Sport accountLink opens in a new window for yourself and anyone else you are booking for.

Using your own email address for a child’s account is not a problem. But you will need to set individual passwords for each account.

On arrival at the Climbing Centre, you should check in at the desk (walk through the double doors to the Climbing Centre on the ground floor, and the desk is on your right) to ensure that you are correctly booked on. If the staff are busy, please wait at the desk until someone has checked you in.

What equipment do I need?

All essential equipment is provided at the Climbing Centre.

Climbing shoes and a harness are provided for free during Climbing Registrations but must be hired for all following sessions from the reception desk.

Equipment hire is not included in Climb or Inclusive memberships.

What climbing facilities are available?

The Climbing Centre contains a range of bouldering, auto belays, top rope and lead climbing facilities suitable for all abilities.

The Sports and Wellness Hub has changing rooms, showers and lockers available to all.

There is also a Café Nero.

Do you do birthday parties or any other climbing sessions for children?

The Climbing Centre offers birthday parties for up to 16 children in the afternoon on Saturdays and Sundays. Please send your enquiry to the Climbing Centre directlyLink opens in a new window if you are looking to book a party.

During Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays, we run 2-hour Holiday Camp sessions. These are bookable on the website.

We also have a weekly children’s climbing club, called Bear Cubs. This is a 2-hour instructed session every week to learn climbing techniques and skills. Equipment is included. Please send your enquiry to the Climbing Centre directlyLink opens in a new window if you are interested in Bear Cubs.

Do you offer any climbing courses?

We offer courses for top rope climbing, lead climbing and improving climbing technique.

Monthly top rope courses can be booked online.

Lead climbing and improvers courses are booked directly through the Climbing Centre.

View our lessons and courses

Do you offer large group sessions?

We can provide group sessions for up to 16 people. These are applicable to both adults and children. For example, corporate team building or scout groups.

What are the membership options for climbing?

Climb memberships allow unlimited access to the Climbing Centre across all opening hours. These memberships are available to adults (including public, staff and students) and juniors.

Any junior members must be supervised by an adult or have completed an ‘Over 14 Junior Sign Off’.

Inclusive memberships only include off peak climbing, which is before 4pm on weekdays and after 5pm on weekends.

There are also a number of student membership options available.

Equipment hire is not included with any climb memberships.

View our membership options on the websiteLink opens in a new window or app

How often do you route set?

We route set every week, alternating between ropes and bouldering each week.


Can I suspend/cancel my membership?

To suspend or cancel your membership please complete the relevant form linked below . Our memberships team will then process your request.

Suspend your membership

Cancel your membership


How much is parking?

To view parking charges, please visit Car parking | Sports & Wellness Hub | Warwick Sport.


Where can I update my personal account details?

App - Download the app from the App StoreLink opens in a new window or Google Play StoreLink opens in a new window(if not downloaded already), or open the app and visit ‘My Account’, here you can login and update personal details, password, contact information and communication preferences. To update details, select the pen icon on the area you would like to update.

Website – Visit the ‘My account/Book an activity’ section and login. To update details, select ‘My account’ and then select the pen icon on the area you would like to update.

Active Kids:

Do you run children's clubs?

Yes, however there may be a charge depending on the activity. You can view our guest prices on our Casual Memberships page.

Equipment hire:

Can I hire equipment?

Yes, you can hire equipment from The Sports and Wellness Hub and Tennis Centre receptions. Please note, we may have a limited supply depending on the activity.

Further enquiries:

Still can't find what you are looking for?

Please contact us on or call us on 024 7652 3011 for further information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.