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Mitigating Circumstances

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Mitigating circumstances are unforeseen events or circumstances which have a significant negative impact on your ability to successfully complete, or study effectively in preparation for summative assessment tasks such as essays, written or oral examinations, assessed presentations or assessed laboratory work.

Policy on Mitigating Circumstances

In accordance with the University's policy, ongoing difficulties relating to a disability do not form grounds for mitigating circumstances if reasonable adjustments have been implemented already to mitigate the impact of a disability. Nevertheless, the Disability Team can support you with any additional mitigating circumstances relating to a disability that has not already been addressed by reasonable adjustments and is impacting substantially on your academic engagement.

Declaring mitigating circumstances

Want to declare mitigating circumstances? Read a step by step guide on how to submit mitigating circumstances on TabulaLink opens in a new window.

Remember to provide supporting disability related information or evidence

You are encouraged to contact the Disability TeamLink opens in a new window to discuss the impact of your disability on your academic engagement and the support you need. Supporting disability related information or evidence that is specific to your circumstances will be required in accordance with the University's policy.