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The Graduation Benchmark

What is the graduation benchmark?

Put simply, it is a way of ensuring that your final degree classification (e.g. first class, upper second class, lower second class) was not impacted by the rapid move to online teaching and assessment during the 2019/20 academic year.

More specifically, the graduation benchmark is a calculation that is undertaken at the end of your degree. We will then calculate your overall final year average mark and degree classification as usual at the end of your final year, taking into account the actual marks from all your summative assessments in all years that count towards your degree classification.

We will also undertake a calculation where we remove marks from Term 3 of your 2019/20 academic year from the degree calculation by working out a weighted average of all summative assessments taken in your intermediate year up to 13 March 2020 and using that weighted average in your overall degree calculation.

We will use whichever of the two calculations is higher (the graduation benchmark or the usual calculation of all marks) to determine the final classification of your degree.

This means that where you are eligible for the graduation benchmark (see Eligibility below), your degree classification cannot go down based on your Term 3 assessments performance in the academic year 2019/20 (i.e. there is ‘no detriment’).

Please take the time to carefully read and digest the detailed explanation below of how the graduation benchmark will be calculated and who will be eligible to use it. There is a hypothetical example later in the text to help explain this principle.


We put this new, exceptional mechanism in place to provide reassurance to students who were impacted by the rapid change to different assessment methods at short notice during the 2019/20 academic year. We will therefore confirm the following before calculating and using your graduate benchmark:

  • You have passed enough modules to achieve the required amount of credit for your degree. This is a standard requirement for achieving a Warwick degree, which still applies and is detailed here.
  • You were not been found guilty of cheating or plagiarism in your intermediate year Term 3 assessments in 2019/20.

If you meet these two eligibility criteria, we will automatically calculate your graduate benchmark at your final year exam board. You do not need to apply for the graduate benchmark to be taken into account.

How your graduation benchmark will be calculated

For a student on a three-year degree where the second year was affected by the rapid move to on-line assessment in 2019/20, and where both years count equally towards the overall degree classification, the graduation benchmark for the student would be calculated as follows:

Intermediate students:

graduation benchmark is calculated by Year 2 average multiplied by weighting of year 2 multiplied by % of assessment taken in year) plus (year 3 average multiplied by weighting of year 3)  divided by  (weighting of year 2 multiplied by % of assessment taken in year) plus (weighting of year 3)

*weighted average calculated for work submitted by 13/3/201

[1] These include assessments with initial deadlines before or on 13/3/20 but where deadlines were extended due to (a) the University-wide 2 week extension, (b) an individual student reasonable adjustment or specific extension, and (c) a student self-certification.

Example of two year weighted assessment

We will consider a student who was in their intermediate year in the 2019/20 academic year and where both the intermediate mark (Year 2, 2019/20) and final year mark (Year 3, 2020/21) are equally weighted in the final degree calculation, (weighting of Year 2 = 50% and weighting of Year 3 = 50%).

In 2019/20, the student obtained 60% overall in their intermediate year (Year 2) counting all assessments including those in Term 3 of 2019/20. They had taken 50% (% of assessments taken in year) by 13 March 2020 and the weighted average of these assessments was 65% (Year 2 average *). In their final year (2021/22) they obtain an average mark for Year 3 of 58% (Year 3 average).

The ‘normal’ degree calculation using the full marks obtained in Year 2 (60%) would be:

Example 1 intermediate year:

60% multiplied by 0.5 plus 58% multiplied by 0.5 Divide by 0.5 + 0.5 Equals 59%

The graduation benchmark is then calculated (to 1 decimal place):

65% multiplied by 0.5 multiplied by 0.5 plus 58% multiplied by 0.5 Divided by 0.5 multiplied by 0.5 plus 0.5 Equals 60.3%

In this case the graduation benchmark was higher than the actual marks and the exam board use this higher figure to determine the degree classification. In this example, the lower marks in Term 3 of the academic year 2019/20 (the intermediate year) have been discarded.

Example of three year weighted assessment

We will consider a student who was in their intermediate year in the 2019/20 academic year and where the years of their degree are weighted Year 1 (10%), Year 2 (30%), and Year 3 (60%) in the final degree calculation. In Year 1 the student obtained a year average of 64%.

In 2019/20, the student obtained 55% overall in their intermediate year (Year 2) counting all assessments including those in Term 3 of 2019/20. They had taken 33.3% of the assessments taken in the year (0.333 of the year) by 13 March 2020 and the weighted average of these assessments was 65% (Year 2 average*). In this case the student did not do so well in the Term 3 assessments in 2019/20 than they had done up to 13 March 2020. In their final year (2021/22) they obtain an average mark for Year 3 of 76% (Year 3 average).

The ‘normal’ degree calculation using the full marks obtained in Year 2 (55%) would be:

64% multiplied by 0.1 plus 55% multiplied by 0.3 plus 76% multiplied by 0.6 divided by 0.1 plus 0.3 plus 0.6 equals 68.5%

The graduation benchmark is calculated to one decimal place:

64% multiplied by 0.1 plus 65% multiplied by 0.3 multiplied by 0.333 plus 76% multiplied by 0.6 divided by 0.1 plus 0.3 multiplied by 0.333 plus 0.6 equals 73.1%

When the graduation benchmark will be used

The final year exam board will calculate your degree outcome using your actual marks obtained throughout your degree, including marks from assessments taken in Term 3 of the academic year 2019/20.

If the calculation provides a final degree mark that is higher than your calculated graduation benchmark then you will be classified based upon this higher figure.

If after all other aspects of the mitigation package have been considered and it appears that your final degree mark will be lower than your calculated graduation benchmark then the exam board will classify your degree based upon the graduation benchmark figure.

Is it possible to know my graduation benchmark now?

As the calculation includes the marks from your final year, we will only be able to calculate your graduation benchmark at the end of your final year. We will do this automatically at the same time as we calculate your final degree mark in the usual way so that we can use the higher of the two results to classify your degree.

What will appear on my degree certificate and HEAR?

Degree certificates simply state your name, your degree and the classification (e.g. First Class). Only the final classification will appear on the certificate, regardless of whether it is based on the usual calculation or the graduation benchmark.

The actual marks awarded for each module will be recorded in your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) along with the final degree classification awarded.