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At Warwick, you’ll find yourself learning skills - and enjoying experiences - that will open your eyes to new opportunities, enable you to develop a global perspective and build upon your employability. Our Student Opportunity team is here to guide and support you.

Explore new opportunities and enhance your employability

Global opportunities

Gain global skills abroad, in the local community, and right here on campus.

Careers support

Explore your career options, get help with job applications and interviews, meet employers on campus and view job vacancies targeted at Warwick students.

Work experience & internships

Secure opportunities and maximise your potential through online learning and resources, a work experience bursary, and more.

Study abroad

See full-year or short-term mobility opportunities and learn beyond the boundaries of nation, culture, and the curriculum.


Access a wide range of volunteering opportunities, and gain experience and transferable skills while benefiting your local community.

Skills development

Develop your employability skills with the Warwick Award, get financial support for an undergraduate research project, or take part in Thrive.

Student Research Hub

Start your research journey using this hub. Explore opportunities and modules, seek funding, showcase your talent, and make an impact.

Warwick Enterprise

We listen to your ideas, guide your action plan and help you find the support you need.