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Brexit Guidance for Staff

Our global community is a tremendous gift to the UK. We will continue to emphasise how the culture, knowledge and skills, quality research, creativity, innovativeness and civic-mindedness of all of our community greatly enriches the region and the country.

Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor

Immigration briefing for staff - Wednesday 25 January

The University arranged an immigration briefing for staff who may be directly affected by Brexit. This briefing followed previous all staff meetings focusing on Brexit and was intended to provide general advice and guidance to staff who may be impacted.

Staff and students from the EU and countries beyond continue to be welcomed as an integral part of our community, and we will continue to engage fully with our partners in European research and mobility programmes as appropriate.

In light of the UK’s vote to leave the EU, we recognise staff and students will have concerns about how this might impact their immigration status, or their study or work arrangements in the UK. There is still much clarity to come on the UK government's timetable and negotiations to leave the EU, but we will provide any information and guidance that we are able to share. We will continue to update this guidance as we understand more.

Guidance for students and applicants specifically is available via the Academic Registrar's Office.

Frequently asked questions

Will this affect my immigration status?

The UK government has confirmed that there will be no immediate changes to the immigration status of EU citizens living, studying or working in the UK following the EU Referendum.

For students, visitors, businesses and entrepreneurs who are already in the UK or who wish to come here, there will be no immediate change to UK visa policies.

We understand some EU citizens are considering applying for residency in the UK. We do not have any evidence to indicate that this is expected nor required. HR can provide further information or signposting to dedicated immigration advice as required.

Will this affect my existing research funding?

If you are currently in receipt of EU funding or working on an EU-funded project such as FP7, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+, we do not expect there to be any impact on your funding as a result of the referendum.

Since the referendum, several statements have been made by the European Commission and the UK government on the status of the EU grants which have been awarded already under FP7, Horizon 2020 and ERASMUS+. These statements have given clarity that there is no immediate effect on current EU grants which have been awarded.

The European Commission has stated: "until the UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to and within the UK, both when it comes to rights and obligations. This includes the eligibility of UK legal entities to participate and receive funding in Horizon 2020 actions".

Research Councils UK have stated that "while the UK remains a full member of the European Union we encourage researchers to continue to engage with partners in the EU and with the European funding schemes as normal".

For beneficiaries of ERASMUS+ grants there is no immediate change to the UK’s participation in the programme and the beneficiaries should continue with their Erasmus+ grants and proposals for deadlines in 2016-2017.

The EU is committed to openness with researchers from beyond the EU, and universities from the UK and beyond will make a strong case that the UK should continue to participate in future EU funding schemes as an associated member.

Will this affect the research or teaching collaborations and funding applications I can make?

The European Commission and RCUK have stated that UK researchers can continue to apply to Horizon 2020 or ERASMUS+ programmes in the usual way. We know that a small number of EU partners have expressed uncertainty about continued UK university involvement in future projects. This concern is unfounded and Warwick colleagues are encouraged to provide evidence of these issues via Research and Impact Services. Staff should continue to pursue collaboration and funding application activities as planned.

The Government has recently announced a series of safeguarding measures for EU funded projects. These include the underwriting of funding for Horizon 2020 projects awarded whilst the UK remains a member of the EU.

What are the implications for my intellectual property (IP) agreements with European partners?

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has published a guide on the status of future intellectual property agreements following the EU Referendum. The guide offers information on the future of international IP agreements that UK rights holders currently make use of. It covers issues such as trademarks, designs, patents, copyright and enforcement.

Will this affect student recruitment activities?

The University remains as committed as ever to recruiting the best students from the UK, EU and across the world to study at Warwick, and to providing a welcoming environment for all students. Student recruitment activities are unchanged, though we are providing additional guidance and assurance to prospective students on issues such as fee status and the University's continued commitment to providing a cosmopolitan, diverse and supportive environment for study.

What support services are available?

The University Counselling Service provides a professional, therapeutic counselling service free of charge to all members of staff at the University. They can be contacted if staff are experiencing uncertainty or anxiety relating to the impact of the referendum.

What does this mean for the Warwick community?

We continue to celebrate the international and inclusive nature of the Warwick community, and our strong global outlook through #warwickoneworld.

On 30 June we held a celebration of our international vibe for all staff and students, and we are using all our channels to champion our community's international make-up and focus.

What is the University doing for staff and students?
  • Our Vice-Chancellor, Stuart Croft, wrote a blog post on his immediate reaction to the UK leaving the EU
  • Seán Hand, Head of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, made a statement about result
  • The Race Charter Mark Committee made a statement about the result
  • We wrote directly to all current students and applicants immediately after the referendum with initial assurances and guidance, and continue to update student guidance when we can
  • We held an all-staff meeting on 12 July, hosted by Stuart Croft, to discuss the impact on Warwick of the UK’s vote to leave the EU. There will be further opportunities for all-staff meetings on this issue over the coming months
  • We have created Research and Impact Fellowships to develop research and accelerate impact in areas related to the recent referendum and the vote to leave the EU
  • We have issued a joint statement with Coventry University and the leaders of Coventry and Warwickshire Councils to demonstrate our regional commitment to continuing to attract students, international investment and global partnerships to the region
  • We are seeking evidence from staff on specific experiences of the impact of Brexit on EU research funding, European collaborations and other projects. We are also seeking evidence on key policy areas where the government may be asked to focus. These examples will be used to support the University's engagement in influencing government policy developments over the coming weeks. Please send these to stuart at warwick dot ac dot uk.
  • We are working with sector bodies including Universities UK to provide evidence on the impact on research and science and to influence key policy developments through Parliamentary Select Committees and Parliamentary debates.
  • We are informing the government's science and research priorities in negotiations on leaving the EU: the contributions of Warwick academics Steven Brown, Ray Dupree, John Hanna, Dinu Iuga and Józef Lewandowski to the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry into Leaving the EU have been published on the Parliament website and are available via our Expert Comment pages.

What can I do if I have concerns about my access to European research funding opportunities?

If you have specific examples of where the referendum results have already had a negative impact on individuals or the University’s teaching or research activities, please send these to ResearchFinance at warwick dot ac dot uk and stuart at warwick dot ac dot uk.

What is the timetable for the UK's exit from the EU?

Based on public statements made by members of the government, we expect that the UK’s exit from the EU will be a managed negotiation process estimated to take two years from the date the UK formally submits its intention to the European Council to leave the EU after the referendum. This has not been done immediately and much depends on the timing and content of political decisions made by the new government formed under Prime Minister Theresa May. At this stage, we do not have any further detail of the government or European Commission’s timetables or plans for legislative changes.

Latest News from the Higher Education sector

This is not an exhaustive list, rather a selection of statements and articles from the HE sector that may be relevant to our staff and students. We will publish updates as they become available - simply click 'notify' at the top of this page to be notified when new content is added: