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Welcoming students through Clearing 2021 - can you help?

We’re currently preparing to welcome students to Warwick through Clearing and are looking for people who may be willing to share their experiences of this process. This could be in the form of a written quote, video/vlog, or you could share the information you found helpful last year, so that we can continue to offer students the best and most reassuring experience of Clearing in 2021.

Below are a few questions we’d love you to answer; we’ll only use your first name and department in written quotes/profiles.

There is also a space to say whether you’d be happy to film yourself doing a vlog/short piece to camera that we can use in our content. If you are, we’ll email you further details and a video consent form, depending on whether we need to pull together further content. If we use your video, you'll receive a £20 Amazon voucher for taking part.

Responses to Q1-6, could be used in marketing and communications activity, such as (but not limited to) content on the website, printed materials, social media, etc. By answering these questions, you would be providing your consent for us to use your answers for these purposes. We will make sure we share the final wording with you for your approval if we need to edit your responses in any way (e.g. removing sentences from the middle of content to cut down word count, or combining a number of answers into a longer profile). Q7-8 will guide the type of content we produce.

A big thank you in advance for your help, if you’re able to be involved.

The Student Communications Team



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