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Keeping safe with enhanced Covid testing and vaccines on campus

As we approach the end of the academic year, we’d like to say thank you to all students for playing your part in supporting University and local public health measures.

Let’s keep up the good work in these final weeks by keeping gatherings and celebrations safe so we can all enjoy a fantastic summer vacation.

If you’re going to your home address over the vacation, protect your family and friends by taking advantage of enhanced Covid testing on campus, and help to limit the spread of Covid cases which have been on the rise in the local area since the beginning of June.

You can also now book your Covid-19 vaccinations whether you’re registered with a GP or not. Find out more in our FAQs.

Temporary enhanced Covid-19 testing on campus

Enhanced Covid testing is now required for people living on or regularly visiting campus.

This is a precautionary measure to prevent any potential spread within our campus and local area and to protect all members of the community. We are working with local authorities, Public Health England and the NHS to temporarily increase the PCR testing offer on campus for people who may have Covid-19 but are not currently experiencing symptoms.

The PCR test is being used since it is both the most accurate, and can be analysed to identify new variants by checking the genetic material of the virus in the sample.

Alongside continuing safety measures on campus including social distancing, washing hands, wearing a face covering and getting vaccinated, this enhanced testing will help to suppress and control the spread of the virus, while enabling a better understanding of Covid variants.

How to get a PCR test

This asymptomatic testing service is available at Junction on central campus. Book your test here.

We are currently able to provide PCR as well as LFD tests to students and staff who are asymptomatic as part of our enhance testing programme, requested by Public Health. You will be offered a PCR test when you come for your appointment and can choose to have both tests so that you receive results quickly from the rapid LFD whilst waiting for the lab results of the PCR test. Your testing supervisor will talk you through both processes.

After your symptom-free PCR test, you do not need to self-isolate while you await the results, but you must continue to follow Covid safety requirements.

You will be notified of your test results within 48 hours. If your test comes back positive, you should self-isolate for 10 days and inform us via our Test and Trace service so that we can provide support and tracing of your close contacts.

Please note: these PCR tests can not be used as a Covid test for travelling abroad. Private PCRs are required for travelling abroad and all countries and airlines have different rules. If you're travelling you must check all terms and conditions pertaining to your destination and airline.

Ongoing asymptomatic and symptomatic testing

In addition to the PCR test, anyone without Covid symptoms should continue with routine twice weekly lateral flow tests (rapid results test) via the facility on campus or using click and collect test sets.

This asymptomatic testing service is now at Junction. Tests are no longer available at The Slate.

If you are experiencing symptoms, you should use the PCR Test and Trace facility on campus. As a reminder, Covid-19 symptoms include:

  • a high temperature
  • a continuous cough
  • loss or change to smell or taste

If you test positive

On-campus accommodation

If you are currently living on campus and you need to self-isolate in your room beyond the end date of your accommodation contract on 3 July, you’ll be able to remain in your room on campus, at no additional cost, while you complete your self-isolation. Due to scheduled works in Arthur Vick block 3 and Lakeside block 2 we may need to arrange alternative accommodation for you on campus. Should you find that you need to self-isolate in these areas, the Residential Life Team will be in contact with you closer to the time to discuss next steps.

If you need to self-isolate on campus you must inform the University’s Test and Trace service so that we can send you appropriate information.

Warwick-managed off-campus accommodation

If you are currently living in a Warwick-managed off campus property and you are required to self-isolate beyond the end date of your accommodation contract on 3 July, you’ll be able to remain in your property while you complete your self-isolation. You will not be charged additional accommodation fees for this period but you remain liable for any other costs (such as utility fees) in line with your Tenancy Agreement.

If you need to self-isolate you must inform the University’s Test and Trace service and inform your Property Manager so that we can send you appropriate information.

Private accommodation

If you are currently living in private accommodation, it is important that you follow current government guidance and contact your landlord to make them aware that you are required to self-isolate. If you need any advice, contact the SU Advice Centre.

If you have tested positive off-campus

If you have been tested off-campus and received a positive result, you will need to tell us too. Support teams will contact you with further guidance and assistance. Use our normal booking form to tell us if you have tested positive for Covid-19 off-campus.

Your wellbeing

We’ll continue to provide support and guidance to all members of the community. Find out how Wellbeing Services can support you.

Can I travel home?

We know many students are making plans to return to home addresses now we are close to the end of term. We strongly recommend that you take a PCR test and follow self-isolating requirements if you get a positive test result before you travel home.

If you do decide to return home before taking a PCR test, we also strongly recommend you book a PCR test at home and, if you receive a positive test result, self-isolate for 10 days and inform us via our Test and Trace service so that we can provide support and tracing of your close contacts.

Covid-19 vaccine – book your jab

The Covid-19 vaccination is being offered to everyone aged 18 or over. Students registered with a GP can book their appointment at a larger vaccination centre, a community pharmacy run site or at some GP run sites through the National Booking Service website or by phoning 119. You can request to book Covid-19 vaccination appointments as an unregistered patient through a local GP practice.

The National Booking Service has an option to book or re-arrange the second vaccination appointment at a different location to the first appointment if you’re heading home for the summer vacation and have already had your first dose in the local area.

Find out more in our FAQs.

Cleaning and ventilation

From this week, we’re adjusting campus cleaning processes to ensure that we’re focusing capacity on areas with the highest usage and occupancy as many of you start to depart for the vacation.

The Health Centre has a limited supply of Pfizer vaccines this week.

Vaccination clinics will be held on:
Thursday 1 July
14.00 - 17.00

Friday 2 July
14.00 - 17.00

To avoid disappointment, please call the Health Centre on 0247 526 3418 to book your appointment. You can turn up without an appointment but please be prepared to queue or be asked to come back.

You don't need to be registered at the Health Centre to book.