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Sustainability for Students - March 2021: Open call to feature in our next sustainability video, Food Waste Week and Green Week 2021

From our open call to feature in our next sustainability video, to Food Waste Week and Green Week 2021, there's a lot of sustainability opportunities for you to join this March.
  • Would you like to feature in our next Sustainability video?
    We would like to know your thoughts on Sustainability and what this word currently means to you. You can get involved by submitting a video and saying a quick few words, by holding up a sign with a one-worded answer or even submit a few creative photographs. Find out more.

  • Food Waste Week
    From Monday 1 March to Sunday 7 March it's the UK’s first national week of action on wasting food. We have partnered with The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) charity and Love Food Hate Waste to take action against food wastage. We will also be taking part in the #FoodWasteActionWeek Challenge taking place on Monday 1 March - Sunday 7 March 2021. Will you join us?

  • Green Week
    Green Week is an annual partnership between the University of Warwick, Coventry University, our Student Unions, Coventry City Council, Warwick District Council and you! It’s a time when we celebrate the environment, promote what we do across the region, educate on how you can be more sustainable in your day-to-day lives and take action. This year’s Green Week which runs from Monday 8 March to Sunday 14 March will be entirely online, so you can join in no matter where in the world you are! Keep an eye out for new events and don’t forget to book to avoid disappointment! Visit Green Week's website and the Green Week Facebook page.

-You can see the progress we've made so far as a response to the Climate Emergency, and what we have committed to do next.

-You can also watch the Sustainability at Warwick Webinar on Youtube in your own time.

-Find out more about the Green Week 2021 programme and the available events.

  • Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK) have launched a survey to help understand more about how high levels of pro-environmental concern and aspirations related to the environment and food translate to experiences at university. The survey is open between 1-28 February.

New postgraduate programmes in Global Sustainable Development

The Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Department has recently launched new postgraduate programmes.

The MASc (Master of Arts and Sciences) in Global Sustainable Development is designed to combine academic learning with practical application to help students tackle complex global challenges. We welcome applicants from all academic backgrounds.

The MPhil/PhD in Global Sustainable Development is directed towards providing research training for the next generation of research leaders in sustainability science who are able to understand global challenges and create bespoke research designs and solutions. We welcome students from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.

If you would like to find out more, please join the GSD Department for a live chat or get in touch: PGGSD at warwick dot ac dot uk