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New module catalogue

You can now use a new online catalogue to find all the information you need about 2020/21 modules.

Your feedback

Feedback from last year's National Student Survey 2019 showed that clearer information was needed about module choices, that this should be standardised across departments, and that the information should be available in one place.

Many thanks to all students who worked with us and took part in a Secret Challenge to share their experiences of the module choice experience and their ideas for improvements. This has been used to improve the current system and create a new module catalogue.

The new catalogue

The new catalogue provides users with accurate, comprehensive information about the content and set-up of modules, as well as integrating with Moodle.

So far over 2,500 modules have been entered into the module catalogue, and your departments are now validating and topping up this data.

What’s next?

The next steps are for all departments to complete their module data for all modules. Your department(s) will be emailing you soon to confirm the specific arrangements for module selection for 2020/21.

In future academic years, you'll be able to select modules through the same portal.

We will continue to work with you on these next developments and will share more details of how you can get involved once events have been arranged.

Student Personalised Information

