NSS 2019 – Warwick sees overall satisfaction rise to 86.8%, an increase of 2.2%
Thanks to everyone who filled in the National Student Survey back in the spring term!
Warwick’s NSS results show positive progress on 21 of the 27 NSS questions, with overall satisfaction increasing by 2.2%. As a benchmark, the rest of the sector has improved at a rate of +1% and the Russell Group universities +0.9%. For Warwick this means a jump of 33 places in the ranking of higher education institutions’ NSS scores for overall satisfaction.
The increasingly positive view of the student experience at Warwick could be attributed to the ongoing dialogue that has been nurtured between students and staff in your departments. The statistics show that you can see that staff value your views and opinions with regards to courses ( +2.4%) and are acting on this feedback(+2.4%). That has led to improvements in other areas, most notably in assessment and feedback, with better perceptions of fairness of marking and assessment (+2.5%). Many of you also felt that feedback on your work has been helpful (+3.8%).
Another area of improvement is the advice and guidance available for you (+4.0%) and the availability of study choice advice (+2.6). The recent improvements made to the Personal Tutorial system seem to be having an impact already, and those of you who have been involved in helping to develop the new approach should be really proud
We'll keep you updated with actions resulting from the survey, and opportunities to get involved, both on MyWarwick and in departments.