Property Registration Event
Over the last few months Police have noticed an increase in the amout of properties OFF campus being burgled. The majority of these burglaries have been what Police call "Insecure Breaks" (ths is where a window or door has been left unlocked or open).
The Police would like to ask students to be extra vigilant when leaving their property, ensuring that they check if doors and windows are secure. In light of the increase, Police have being doing targeted patrols in hotspot areas looking for insecure properties (which they then secure if possible) and suspicious persons.
PC Jay the Campus Police Officer in company with a couple of her colleagues and some security staff will be holding an event on Campus where by students and staff can bring along any of their valuables (phone, laptop, camera, tablet...) and they can register your property on and mark it with a special DNA linked to you and your address.
The purpose of the registration and the DNA marking is to deter criminals from stealing property as Police will advertise on social media that they have DNA marked Warwick University Students Property.
Also it assists in the recovery of your property should you be unfortunate enough to have it stolen or if you loose it.
The event will take place between 11am and 1pm on Friday the 22nd January 2016 in the SU Atrium.