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Statement on protest

You may be aware that over the past couple of weeks a small group of protesters has been visiting various sites around campus, making noise with whistles, music and a powerful speaker emitting police siren noises.

The group - Coventry Confidential - is comprised of local residents protesting about waste management issues related to an on-going industrial dispute with Coventry City Council. We have no influence or involvement in this issue – and have told them this on numerous occasions.

The group wrongly believes that we have a commercial relationship with two waste and recycling companies, which are connected to the dispute. We have repeatedly told Coventry Confidential, both in person and via email, that our commercial waste management relationship is with Coventry City Council and not these companies.

We have asked the group to stop protesting on campus due to the disruption this is causing, particularly given the fact students are currently sitting their exams. This is inconsiderate, unfair and distracting for all the people working hard on their studies.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. Our Community Safety team will continue to do all it can to mitigate the disturbance to staff and students. A legal letter asking the Group to stop has also been issued and ignored.

Due to the disruptive nature of the protest, we have now been left with no choice but to secure an injunction from the court that prohibits the protesters from coming onto campus.