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WBS student behind the creation of new desk booking service

The new desk booking service, book-a-desk, which is currently being piloted in the Library floor 3 extension, is the brainchild of International Management student Raphael Nahoum.

The idea for book-a-desk stems from one of his first year modules, where he was inspired to create a business plan for a service that would help his fellow students locate and pre-book a study space quickly and easily. To make his idea a reality, Raphael approached Warwick's Innovation Management service, resulting in a collaboration between the Library, communications, Students Union and IT Services, who are sponsoring the development of the project.

Raphael said;

During my course, and particularly my Business Planning module, I have developed the necessary skills to understand the environment of the entrepreneur and I realised the significance of this project to me. I have been working with the univeristy on this since April and its great to see it finally come to life with a trial in the Library. My key takeaway is to never give up, even if you face hardships and challenges during the process.

Wedy Coy, Director of Innovation Management, added:

It is really heartening to see students being creative in putting ideas forward to help students of the future. Using the innovation management service allows us to test both the app, and the idea that students will be able to find vacant study spaces quicker, with more time to study. The pilot phase will allow us to gather feedback on the service from students to inform whether to continue, expand or try a different solution.


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